Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Mental Game...

This week has been a struggle as far as workouts go.  I feel like I have been playing mental games all week.  You might be familiar with it.  The conversation you have with yourself to get out the door and headed to your workout.  The internal debate you have when the alarm goes off and you reallllllly don't want to get up and go to the pool but you KNOW if you don't do it early, you will either not make it to the pool at all or you might have to beg a person to share a lane with you later in the day when the pool is crowded.

This week has been all about the mental battle.  Right now I am about 50/50 on making workouts.  Dentist appointments, rain, planning a Christmas party for the store had me all off schedule this week.  On top of that, I always am kind of blah around Christmas anyhow.  Dysfunctional family.  Long story.  Weird because I love the decorations  the lights, baking Christmas treats and the meaning behind Christmas.  It is just the family stuff that makes it hard.  So anyhow...  toss that in with the rest and this week has been mentally challenging.

The funny thing about the challenge is once I get out there and actually do the workout I ALWAYS feel better.  ALWAYS.  So why is it so hard to talk myself into getting out the door sometimes?  I annoy myself :)

So. very. true.

Tuesday's swim workout was a perfect example of how the tiniest things can make a huge difference in my mental game.  The workout involved 6 x 150s, 200, 6 x 150s and a final 200 for 2200 meters.  I loved that workout.  For me, it was perfect.  I like small chunks like that.  Had it been 2 x 450s, 200, 2 x 450s, and a 200 for the same 2200 - I think I would have had a hard time getting excited about it.  I would have done it but the snooze button might have been hit a few more times....

Yesterday, sleeping in, flu shots, a Christmas open house in a beautiful venue with yummy cupcakes and boxing up books to ship for my favorite Swim Bike Mom won out over my workout.

Today, it was a similar thing.  I got a late start.  I should have gotten my workout done in the morning.  I didn't.  I had some errands on the way home and sat in some ridiculous construction traffic.  By the time I got home, it was not easy to get back out the door.  (side note, I KNOW I need to workout in the AM for this very reason - once the day gets out of control it is hard to stay motivated).  On tap today was hill repeats.  I can't say that I have ever done them before.  Prior to this marathon training plan, I pretty much had just been running straight mileage without worrying about any kind of speed workouts.  I came *this close* to scratching the day.  I finally got myself together and back in the car to head towards Stone Mountain.  I did a little over a mile warmup then hit the hills for 7 two minute stretches.  It felt so good.  The weather was cool and December like today and the park was not crowded.  It may be a sickness (in which case I blame the flu shot I got yesterday) but I loved that workout.  I am going to try and work that in more often!

Tomorrow I am back at it with a run in the morning followed by some outlet shopping with an IronDiva!  I won't hit the snooze, I won't hit the snooze, I won't hit the snooze....  



Maggie said...

Your post is SO true! Totally know what you mean about hitting workouts, especially this time of year. Even though it feels so good after, it's so hard to work up the motivation beforehand!

Christine said...

I was on a roll for the past 10 days either running or walking. And today I just couldn't do it. It didn't help that it was cold out and that the heat in my apartment has been janky. The thought of being out in the cold and being cold all night was too much for me. You're better than me and won't hit snooze, but if you do, set your alarm even earlier!

Oh, and I mildly disagree with the "I regret that workout - No one ever" - I decided to do a mud run last spring just for fun and after a nasty fall, I am still struggling with whats left of "just a sprain" ankle!

Kate Geisen said...

And for me it's soooo hard to get the habit back when I've let my workouts drop (like, But I feel so good when I've run before work!

Unknown said...

See, unlike you, I'm going to be resting in the morning for all the walking, laughing and shopping we'll be doing! :)

The Original MAJ said...

Yes!!!!! I always love that lazy feeling of the off-season, but it carries on . . . and on . . . if you let it!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Sometimes I feel we are lucky that the holidays are in the off season, the holidays alone is an extremely busy time of the year and added stresa.

Have fun with Colleen shoppng

Matthew Smith said...

You're probably done with you 10k this morning, but I hope it went well! You ladies are awesome! :)

Kim said...

I think you do some pretty amazing work-outs!!

I feel the same way about Christmas - love the decorations, shopping and stuff but extended family, not so much. We usually just spend Christmas by ourselves (the 4 of us) and have a great day!!!

Mari Fridenmaker said...

You've got True Grit, Karen! Don't you forget it!

ajh said...

Good luck getting that work out in. It can be hard. Love the sayings you chose for this post.

Suz and Allan said...

Hope you had a good weekend and got in the run you wanted to. I think it's hard for everyone balancing all the extra tasks and activities around the holidays.