I registered for Disney's Goofy Challenge this morning when registration opened. For those of you who aren't into all things Disney, the Goofy Challenge is a half marathon on Saturday followed by a full marathon on Sunday. Seeing as I am only committing to three other races in the next year, I should have plenty of time (in theory) to get in running shape for this one. Ironically, only running 3 other races this year was also my justification for the entry fee which went up this year. Luckily I have some birthday cash... The race is January 8 - 9, 2011. I am painfully excited at the prospect! This time next year, I may just be painfully wondering what I was thinking. :)
In other news, my "11 on the 11th" didn't go exactly as planned but I was happy with the result anyhow. As I am literally walking out the door to leave, I shout "bye" to hubby who immediately pounces down the stairs asking if he can come along. Odd because I have been trying to get him to exercise for quite some time. He really isn't into it. Death defying stunts while riding motorcycles or flying airplanes are really more his thing. My sports are too tame I would imagine. He had made an attempt to two to walk around the neighborhood but nothing routinely more of a once a month thing.
I told him he was welcome to tag along and immediately tried to figure out how I could make this work. I had planned on running 11 miles and knew he was probably good for walking about 3. After we gather enough winter clothes for him to survive the adventure, we are off to walk and run in the 25 degree chill. We ended up going to Stone Mountain. Once around is 5 miles so I figured I would cut my run short and either run back to meet him and walk back the rest of the way with him or just run ahead and get the car to pick him up when I am done.
It was actually fun. The run is a loop around the mountain and we both started in the same direction. As I was running I kept trying to to figure out where he was at this point in time so it did a good job of keeping my mind occupied. Mostly, I was hoping he wasn't too miserable. I ended up deciding since it was so cold I would just stop at the car after my 5 milkes and go pick him up. My run became more of a speed day trying to get back to the car as fast as I could so he wouldn't be too miserable walking in the cold. It turned out great, he walked 3.5 miles and probably could have walked the whole way. I was very proud of him for getting out there and doing it, especially since it was abnormally cold.
We had a light dusting of snow and some icy conditions on Thursday that were still on the roads and sidewalks this morning as we made our way around the mountain. I am pretty sure this has been the longest cold spell under 32 degrees that I can remember. Very odd.
Post run, we made a trip to the grocery store picked up a couple of Starbucks drinks and headed home for some soup. While at the grocery store, I picked up a couple of new snacks to try. I think we all know never to go to the store after a run but I did pretty well. I only bought 2 snacks. YAY me for showing some restraint for once!
Have you seen these?
They are Tortillaz air baked rice and corn snacks. I am not a rice cake kind of girl. I need a little flavor. I keep thinking maybe someday I will figure out what people see in rice cakes so I think this was a baby step in that direction. The ones I picked up were "zesty guacamole' flavor. If you can get past the bright green color, they are actually pretty good and had a decent flavor that reminded me of guacamole. Is the bag worth almost $3 for 3 ounces? I didn't think so. If it were a larger bag, maybe. Feel free to decide for yourself. I was amused by the crazy green color so had to show you...
And my other snack purchase of the day... check it out.... multigrain pringles! Once you pop, you can't stop. These are really yummy. I like them better than regular pringles. Sort of like a lighter version of a sunchip. $1.25 a can. Sold!
Now to get to that cleaning/purging I promised myself... :)
I can't imagine running a half and then a full the next day. What an accomplishment that will be!
WooHoo about signing up for the Goofy Challenge--that will be a BLAST!!
I haven't seen those whole grain Pringles--will have to look for them.
Goofy challenge wow on you and whoa on the price. Let me guess you still have to pay for the hotel room?!!!!
In any case I give you thumbs up for this I would probably be unabled to walk after the half, going after how I felt after my first half marathon. But it sounds like fun anyway. And Disney. *sigh*
I still haven't been to a resort. Eurodisney should be on my next years holiday plan!
Happy Belated Birthday!!
We've had record cold down here in FL too. Thankfully it's finally warming up. Hopefully it won't be so cold for you at Goofy next year.
Best of luck with your plans in 2010. I hope to do like you in cutting back on taking on so much starting in 2011!
What a crazy, no "Goofy" challenge!Good for you, and have fun training!
GO you on the Goofy Challenge. That is one thing I want to do at some point
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