It turns out my hubster, CR, may really NOT like eating the same thing day after day after day for 19 years. Who is this person? First he tells me he is tired of cereal, now this... I came home last night and he was making a tuna sandwich. What the ?!?! He said "I found these cans with the pop top in the cabinet". It turns out he didn't know where we kept the can opener. I wasted no time telling him. I only hope the fact that it is one of those smooth edge jobbies doesn't throw him. You know what they say... Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Turns out there wasn't much teaching needed - the man only needed a can opener.
In other news, my PC had a virus this week. Really. Not one of those that requires a simple download and a little scrubbing of the files. This one required a trip to the PC hospital. Is there anything more frustrating? What kind of person enjoys creating a virus and then spreading it to the rest of us causing us to spend time and money to fix? It is so wrong. Well, it wasn't all bad in the end. I didn't lose any files and CR got me a sweet new monitor for my trouble. My old one was pretty tiny but it worked and I was truly fine with it. My new one is 19-inches of viewing and typing pleasure AND he got me that BEFORE I told him where we keep the can opener :)
So my hubby is not the only one who cannot find anything by himself? :)
Spreading viruses to me is a form of vandalism. What I don't understand is that virus vandals cannot even see the results of their work (can they?) so what's the point?
I love the can opener story! Have a great week!
I am with you Ewa. I just don't get it. AT ALL. You have a good week too, Jennifer! Good luck on the race :)
I agree -- that viruses make no sense, and are such a pain. Glad you got a new screen out the deal!
Weird timing...my son and I just gave up trying to get rid of a virus on his laptop. So, for the 3rd time in the past year we'll be having a co-worker of mine take care of it. Fortunately my wife does his taxes in exchange for his services. As far as the tuna fish story, hey, us guys sometimes are self-sufficient. :-)
ugh computer issues. not cool! i totally agree... what is wrong with those people that their enjoyment comes from ruining other people's stuff?
congrats to the hubs on his newfound skill :)
I've replaced 4 can openers cause my bf takes them all the time. Go figure
I once got a virus that required a complete reboot. Back to the beginning. It was like the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (or computer!).
Unfortunately, they are just a fact of life now.
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