Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back from Vaca with a Giveaway...

I spent the week of the 19th on vacation from work. It was a staycation thing. You know, you don't go anywhere but just stay at home and enjoy being off work. Oh and did I ever enjoy it :)

I spent a lot of time playing tennis, swimming and thinking about accomplishing tasks at home. Let's just say I was much more successful at the swimming and tennis than the accomplishment of tasks. I got to lap swim outdoors in the sunshine, attend an awesome tennis clinic at an ATP tour tennis tournament and located a new running trail at a local park. All in all a pretty great week. I'll dazzle/bore you with the details some other time!

In the meantime... I have a CSN giveaway for you (queue the cheering). Who couldn't use $40 to spend in a CSN store? I have seen this giveaway on several blogs lately and honestly had no idea how many sites were under the CSN umbrella. They have a little of everything from cookware to fitness equipment. Would you believe dining room furniture as well? I am not your typical girl, I really do not enjoy shopping. AT ALL. I like to go in to a store pick up exactly what I had in mind and get on my way. I LOVE the idea of being able to find furniture I like and have it shipped to my house. let's not even talk about the cookware. HEAVEN.

Visit to see all the ways you could spend that $40 gift certificate.

To have a chance to win, it is pretty simple:
1. Either be a follower or become one and leave a comment on this post.
2. For an additional entry blog about this giveaway! Leave me a second post to let me know you linked the giveaway.

Entries will be accepted until midnight (EST) on August 15, 2010.

Good luck! I will spending the remainder of the day mentally amping myself up to run 10 miles in the crazy heat tomorrow. My first double digit run in longer than a can remember. It certainly won't be the last as the Chickamauga marathon is about 3 months away. tick, tock.... can't wait!

Disclaimer... There may be shipping charges or international fees in the case of Canadian addresses from CSN. You may resume your weekend!


Amanda said...

Very glad you've enjoyed your staycation. I could use one of those right about now.

Good luck on the 10 miler. I did 8 miles today and the heat and humidity (high for AZ during monsoon season) was draining to say the least :)!

Anonymous said...

I follow! My husband is on staycation right now. We talked about going to NYC, but decided to save ourselves the cash and the stress!

The Fam said...

I'm a follower, your blog is inspiring.

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Kiki said...

I really need some new dishes!!

I'm following!!

Suburban prep said...

A staycation is what my husband and I have been doing over the last few years. It can be good or bad depending what you make of it and put into your time off. Sounds like you did have a good time off.

I am a new follower

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Jill said...

I am a follower :).

I'm glad you had a great staycation, those are so fun!! :)

Unknown said...

Im a new follower and that must have been fun spending all those times outdoors!!

Unknown said...

blogged: I blogged about this:

San said...

Sounds like you had a great week. This year its staycation for me too, next year hopefully Japan and South Korea. But Leipzig is beautiful.

Good luck on your 10m.

Anyway. I could really use some lamps for my upcoming move in my own apartment. And yes I've been following you quite a while.

Jennifer said...

Have a good long run! Staycations are great but I never really seem to rest during them!

Lindsay said...

Sign me up! I had this giveaway too but you know, I can't pick myself to win these things for some reason ;)

I'm the same whenever I have extra time around the house... House things never seem to get done for some reason. Strange...

Domestic Diva said...

I follow on gfc.

Staycation sounds great!

Amber said...

I'm a follower too. How do you guys get these giveaways on your blogs? I could use something like this for mine!

Btw I will be at Chick too - my first half marathon! I can't wait!


Amber said...

I blogged about it on my site,

DG said...

I am a follower via gfc (as DG)

thanks! :)


very envious of your staycation btw!

DG said...



Nicole said...

I am follower.

I enjoy your blog very much. My boyfriend and I are doing a local vacation this year...a "location." ;-) We are going to stay in a cute little motel in a cute town nearby. The motel has a kitchenette, so I plan to make a couple meals a day in the room to save money.

EMSFS said...

I am a follower on GFC- Kudos to you and your running accomplishments- I am not much of a runner myself, but I appreciate those that do. Thanks for the giveaway!

emsfsemsfs at gmail dot com

Jennai said...

I follow you on Google Friends Connect (Jennai)and I have my eye on the Homestead Mosaic Feeder!
HobartsMama {at}

Tam said...

Awesome giveaway I am now a new follower

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Found you from Eve's site and thought I would check your site out. Glad I did.
Please enter me in your giveaway I am now a follower.
I too am having a CSN giveaway aren't they great sponsors of our blogs

Anonymous said...

I would add to my collection of Fiesta dishes. I have been trying to gradually have a whole set. I am up to 4 dinner plates, 2 bowls, and 2 salad plates!

I love staycations!

KatyShops @

thatlittlehouse said...

I follow you publicly on GFC

The staycation I'm looking forward to is a year from Sept., when my hubby spends a week in Norfolk at his Navy ship's reunion, & I'll have the house all to myself! No cooking!

nblexp at gmail dot com

Krissie said...

I follow you on GFC - Krissie
CalifKitties {at} AOL.COM