Monday, April 2, 2012

March Re-Cap...

Sadly, CR and I did not win the Mega Millions over the weekend. I saw an article this morning about how the winners won’t be “that rich”. Not that rich compared to who? LOL.

This month, I took off-season to a whole new level on the running front. I didn’t have much on the training schedule and took full advantage. I have a lot more tennis in my life right now which I am enjoying but I can definitely tell that I took time off. I can’t seem to make shots like I used to so am hoping all that will come back soon! I played tennis 10 times in March so I guess that is where my free time for running went.

Running Miles: 24.6 miles.

Cycling Miles: 126 miles. Finally getting outside for riding which is nice. Sometimes it is just easier to cycle indoors when you are pressed for time. I feel like I gain more skills riding outdoors so hopefully I can keep getting in some great outdoor rides this month!

Swimming Yardage: 20,309. (it is an odd number because I swim in a 25m pool and the program I use to log my workouts coverts the meters to yards)

Races: Atlanta Women’s 5k. Fun event, great volunteers (Hi Dad & Rita) and a cute race shirt! :)

What I did to bust out of my comfort zone: I did a 5000m charity swim earlier in the month with a new tri group and then rode with a meet up group last week.

What I am watching: Love GCB and Smash. At this point I am invested in Alcatraz because I have watched from the beginning but they might be losing my interest.

What I am reading: Catching Fire. Book two of the Hunger Games. (technically listening to it on my runs of which there haven’t been many so it is taking a while.). Reading I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella. Super light chick lit. If you have read her other books, this one is outside of the Shopaholic series but has a similar style to it.

Current excitement: Looking forward to the Dirty Girl Mud Run later this month. Also looking ahead to Iron Girl in May.

What I am loving this month: I love that everyone seems to be kicking off tri season this month. Following all the races online and reading your updates is really getting me back in the mood to get things moving again!

My favorite product this month: Coppertone Continuous Spray Sunscreen I burn with the best of them and have tried every sunscreen out there. This one works and you don’t have to rub it in. Spray on and done. It won’t make you smell all coconutty and tropical but you won’t look like a lobster either.

What is going on in April:
- Tony Cerrano Metric Century, April 7
- One Can Ride, Metric Century, April 21
- Dirty Girl Mud Run, April 28

In other news... If you are looking for a great racing kit, check out Swim Bike Mom. She is taking a second round of orders through April 6th. The kits are pretty awesome looking - you know you want one!


Char said...

And this is your off season? You've managed to move a lot!

My next book purchase has to be the Hunger Games trilogy. I've just seen the movie and been told that the book is even better.

Ransick said...

Sounds like you had a good busy month. Thanks for the tip on the sun tan lotion. I'll have to give that a try.

Amanda said...

You had a great month.

Love the Hunger Games Trilogy. Oh and am totally addicted to SMASH - Love it!!!!

Sounds like you have a few fun events coming up this month - enjoy them!

Raina said...

I like your format for the updates here! I will have to try coppertone spray. One problem I have with sunscreens is that they always turn my white things orange. Hopefully this doesn't!

OMGoodness 5k of swimming is so looooooong. You are a pool animal!

Ann said...

Wow! Great job with those workouts! :)

Lindsay said...

I wasn't allowed to play the mega millions. :( josh was lecturing me on how it's a "tax for people who are bad at math". Hello, I was just going to play for fun anyway. I had to dig around my car to come up with a dollar in change haha, and then he wouldn't even let me go get a ticket.

Carolina John said...

That's a good month! Nothing like the volume of ironman training, but a 5k swim is quite the challenge. I'm thinking about getting into one this year too.

Barbara L said...

LOVED The Hunger Games. Trying to decide if I should go to the movie :)

My Running Shortz

That Pink Girl said...

Two century rides in one month? The off season is officially over!