Monday, March 26, 2012

a few kind words...

The alarm went off early this morning. 4:14. I told a friend I would meet her at spin class to give her my old cycling shoes. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I hit snooze. The alarm clock requires a delicate balance. If I hit the snooze once, all is right with the world. If I hit the snooze too many times, CR will wake up and probably not be able to go back to sleep. I roll out of bed at 4:24. Ugh. Never a good sign when you start off the week tired. I make a deal with myself that I can leave spin 15 minutes early if I am not feeling it. Grab my clothes, gym bag, laptop, food for the day and I am out the door at 4:55.

In addition to being tired, I felt like I was kind of ‘in a mood’. My confidence took a nosedive at tennis yesterday and one too many pieces of lemon cake with lemon buttercream frosting over the weekend led to the self-realization that this muffin top I have been carrying since January wasn’t going to get rid of itself. So I headed to spin to get back on track and start the week off right. You know, get rid of the zero on Daily Mile and all.

The 1 hour spin class seemed to stretch on for hours…. I looked at the clock at 5:50 and then again what felt like 20 minutes later and the clock read 5:53. True story. I actually wondered if the clock had somehow stopped. During spin, I had a thousand things running through my head, I was replaying the tennis match from yesterday and running through my mental to-do list. I never could get focused and just enjoy the class. My plan to sneak out early was cancelled when I realized the person I was bringing the shoes to was across the room in the front. There was no way to give her the shoes without walking directly in between the teacher and class. I didn’t want to risk public humiliation so I stayed for the whole thing.

As I was leaving class, I was walking down the stairs behind a man I had not seen in a while. He was someone I had seen at the gym before but we never really had a conversation until today. As we were walking, he turned around and said “I just have to tell you. I have seen you here for 2 or 3 years now and you have got it together. You really have figured it out”. The “it” being fitness. (I think to myself... Wha??? You talking to me? Figured it out? Don’t you see this lemon cake muffin top?)

Funny how someone who you didn’t even realize had been watching you (in a non stalkerish way I am sure) can throw a compliment at you that changes your whole outlook. I needed those words at that moment to shake me out of the ridiculous self-criticism that was going on. My tennis game may still need work and I could stand to back off the dessert buffet but my mood for the day is decidedly better now. Thanks spin class guy :)


A Prelude To... said...

Ohhhh...spin class is ALWAYS like that for me. The time seems to slow down in a truly painful way.

What a great compliment that man gave you!!

Suz and Allan said...

What a sweet compliment! It really is the little things that can make a day so much better.

ltlindian said...

that's awesome! What a way to lift you up!

On a side note--I was noticing some pictures on FB (in a totally non-stalkerish kinda way) cause we are both Tough Chiks.... anyway--and I saw that your team won some tennis tournament at the 6.5 level. Is that 6.5 for each player or combined (like 3.0 + 3.5).

Cause, let me tell you, if you are playing at a 6.5 level--you have nothing to worry about with your game! I play about 3.5 and would love to get to a 4.0!

If it is combined, then you need to come to Maine and be my partner. :)

ltlindian said...

that's awesome! What a way to lift you up!

On a side note--I was noticing some pictures on FB (in a totally non-stalkerish kinda way) cause we are both Tough Chiks.... anyway--and I saw that your team won some tennis tournament at the 6.5 level. Is that 6.5 for each player or combined (like 3.0 + 3.5).

Cause, let me tell you, if you are playing at a 6.5 level--you have nothing to worry about with your game! I play about 3.5 and would love to get to a 4.0!

If it is combined, then you need to come to Maine and be my partner. :)

Kenley said...

What an awesome comment. i bet that negated all of the clock watching moments during spin. If I hit snooze more than once, and hour will def slip by. I try and get up at the first go. Take care.

Ransick said...

That comment totally made getting up at such a crazy hour worth it!

Amanda said...

That's just completely awesome! See, you do inspire even when you don't know it :)!

Char said...

That's so nice. It's a reminder that a few kind words or a kind deed can just make such an impact on someone else. I'm glad someone took the time for you.

Ann said...

LOVE this!! Great compliment!! :)

That Pink Girl said...

How awesome!

Julie said...

That is a great story!
Hope you are still feeling good about it!

Jill said...

I was at boot camp today and swore the clock was broken also. That class was kicking my butt and time couldn't go fast enough.

So cool about the guy who said that to you. I'm not sure anyone's ever said anything to me at the gym. Keep the comments coming, spin class guy!!!! :)

Barbara L said...

I love RAK. Spin guy probably has no idea how great he made you feel :))

My Running Shortz

Katie said...

wow, how awesome!!!