Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Five...

1. I scratched my plans for the Shamrock marathon. It was going to be a four day weekend away from home and just couldn’t get away. Lots of exciting things on the horizon which I can’t wait to share if it all comes together. Fingers crossed while we wait… and I‘ll unfortunately have to leave you hanging on that one. Perhaps I will have to wear my new green sparkly skirt grocery shopping instead. That would be not be weird at all, right?

2. I signed up for “Fast Camp”. It is an 8 week FREE tri training program that is supposed to make you, well, fast(er). It is all relative, right? The idea is they want you to love it and pay for coaching after the eight weeks is up. It officially started this week but I put it off because of the marathon. I am going to kick it off this weekend. Hopefully it will be the little push I need to get back on track.

3. I have been playing a ridiculous amount of tennis in the past week or so. I used to play just about every day a few years ago but burnt out on it and backed off. Late last year I pretty much stopped playing altogether while I was training for B2B. In the past week, I have probably played 5 or 6 times. I really enjoyed it and hope I can work more tennis back into my life. I definitely like the swim/bike/run more but tennis gives me a social outlet that I had missed.

4. I need to get outside on my bike and ride, ride, ride. Maybe this weekend. It is after all summer (or at least it feels like it). It was 85 degrees yesterday. I fear the heat summer might bring. Especially since I signed up for a marathon in July. I am getting a heat stroke just thinking about it.

5. Anxiously awaiting The Hunger Games movie! If only I were able to keep my eyes open past 10:00 PM otherwise I would be at that midnight showing on the 22nd. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Darlene said...

Can't wait for Hunger games :)

That Pink Girl said...

#4 Yes, it's cycling season! So excited not to be all bundled up and suffering frozen toes. Perfect weather for a riding!

Ransick said...

A free 8 week training program sounds like fun.

I pre-ordered Hunger Games tickets for my and my kids. Should be fun.

Amanda said...

Green sparkle skirt at the grocery store - I've seen much worse :)! I am also very intrigued by the big plans.

Fast Camp - sounds pretty amazing. I hope you get a lot of great tips out of it.

That's awesome that you're playing tennis again.

Summer could be very brutal...I am dreading my long run in the heat tomorrow and it's just the beginning.

Cannot wait for the Hunger Games movie!

ajh said...

A free tri camp sounds stupendous. Jealous!

Wear the green sparkly skirt on casual Friday at work!

Lindsay said...

i still need to read the hunger games...

running clothes at the grocery store = normal. sparkly skirts and all :)

i am sooo not ready for 85+ weather. 60s and 70s hang around as long as you want!

i hope you don't keep us waiting long! ;)

RockStarTri said...

I've been given a homework assignment to read the Hunger Games by my daughters. Good luck on the speed "camp!"

Ann said...

I love tennis, too! My mom works for the United States Tennis Association (USTA), Cool, right? The free tri-training sounds AWESOME! Can't wait to hear more!! :)

Lora Abernathy said...

That Fast Camp sounds awesome. Have fun on the road.

Barbara L said...

I used to play tennis all the time , too! I loved it. Now I'm not sure why I stopped.
Hope you wore your green sparkly shirt yesterday.

My Running Shortz

Kate Geisen said...

Fast camp sounds really cool.

I wouldn't go to one of the early showings because crowded movie theaters make me crazy and hostile, but it still bums me out that I'm going to be out of town on opening weekend.