Thursday, March 1, 2012

February re-cap...

Since I managed to disappear from the blog world for a little over a week now, I thought I would give a February update just to prove I am still around. :)

Running Miles: 68.3.

Cycling Miles: 135.25. Oddly enough this is 50 miles higher than last month even though I felt like I had not ridden much at all in February. Go figure.

Swimming Yardage: 18,591. (it is an odd number because I swim in a 25m pool and the program I use to log my workouts coverts the meters to yards)

Races: Run the Reagan 5k. If you were wondering about the 10k I had planned, I decided to scrap it in favor of using this 5k as a qualifier. Mostly a scheduling issue. I will have to save pursuit of the a new 10k PR for next year :)

What I did to bust out of my comfort zone: Not much in thinking back on it. Surely there must have been something... I did sign up to be a mentee in the Atlanta Triathlon Club. I have had one call with my mentor but haven't made it to a practice yet. Their group rides start in April so am hoping to be more active with them going forward. I felt like getting a mentor would help me meet people within the group and make me more likely to go to group events. I have a bad habit of getting excited about group training and then just training on my own because it tends to be more convenient.

What I am watching: Trying to watch Biggest Loser but their cat fighting makes me want to turn it off. I might give it another week. I do love Emily - I cheered at the TV when she announced her stretch goal of doing an ironman to her Dad.

What I am reading: The Hunger Games. I am probably the last person on board with this one but LOVE it. I was afraid it was going to be like Twilight which does not interest me at all so I hesitated despite all the rave reviews. I listened to the first book on audio during my long runs and am currently on book two. So, so good.

Current excitement: Looking forward to the Shamrock Marathon in VA Beach (still). Also looking forward to getting back on a triathlon training schedule. I have been kind of in limbo which has given me a lot of freedom to do other things (like tennis) but I think I do better when I am working towards a goal.

What I am loving this month: E-meals. I love this program. Check out their website for full info but the short version is this... $4.99 a month for pre-planned menus and shopping lists. They have a variety of menu types so there is something for everyone(weight watchers, low fat, "normal", vegetarian, etc.). CR and I are on the low-fat for two menu. All the recipes have been really good. Here is the winner for me - I spend less $$ at the grocery store AND I only go to the store once a week instead of what felt like every other day. True LOVE.

My favorite product this month: Burts Bees Cuticle Cream. Chlorine kills cuticles, Burts Bees brings them back to life. That is all. :)

What is going on in March:
- Shamrock n Roll 10k, Atlanta
- Shamrock Marathon, Virginia Beach
- Atlanta Women's 5k


misszippy said...

I haven't read the Hunger Games yet, either. I really want to, though, b/c my son is old enough to read them now and I want to know what they are all about before he does!

Had not heard of E-meals. What a cool concept!

That Pink Girl said...

Burt's Bees cuticle cream you say? I'll have to check that out because mine are SO dry and ragged. And ugly! The pool dries my face out too. (it's a salt water pool)
Your mentor program sounds great. I'm trying to get connected in the tri community here & hopeful I'll find a group that I "gel" with! Good for you for being proactive!

Ewa said...

I loved Hunger Games, actually this is the best one of the series. I am NOT looking forward to the movie after watching the trailer.

Kevin said...

E-meals has been a great help. The best part was when I found a groupon for 20-something for the entire year. They seem to come out every few months. Thanks for mentioning it

Barbara L said...

I enjoyed your post!
I loved Hunger Games.
My Running Shortz

abbi said...

I haven't read Hunger Games either and thought I was the last! Haven't heard of E-meals...I'm a huge fan of freezer/once a month cooking and the Once a Month Mom website is great for the monthly meal plans. I love it so much that I just recently signed on as a contributing writer!

Sarah said...

Thats what seems to happen with me too and group training. I really need to make myself go on group rides

ajh said...

You have a busy March race wise. I am still trying to figure out my March race. I am going to check out that menu site.

Ransick said...

Nice volume for a month without a plan!

I haven't read The Hunger Games either but I'm leaving on a long trip tomorrow and may read it then.

Amanda said...

Looks like you had a pretty darn good month.

Love the Hunger Games trilogy - just hope they can capture some of the things I saw in my mind while reading it in the movie!

Teamarcia said...

THere have been no Hunger Games for me either. One of these years.
March is a busy race month for you!
I need some of that cuticle cream badly. Nails are dry.

Suz and Allan said...

I still haven't read The Hunger Games. I'm still hanging on with Biggest Loser and this last week's episode was great!

Lindsay said...

it is only march. you can't do a 10k in the next 9 months? :)

i haven't read hunger games either, but i think i want to. i can't get into the vampire craze lately either... just go out of style already.

Swim Bike Mom said...

Great post... and I am stoked about "E-Meals" - I haven't heard of that, and I am going to run (hobble) to check it out!