Monday, March 12, 2012

The mystery of the disappearing blog...

I was a little surprised that it had been 11 days since my last post. It did not seem like quite that long. So long, in fact, that I think Blogger is secretly developing a plot to get rid of me.

I received a note on my FB page this morning from Swim Bike Mom asking what happened to my blog. Why whatever does she mean? Silly Swim Bike Mom has clearly lost her mind. Of course, I immediately go to the page and receive a message stating the blog HAD BEEN DELETED and was not available. PANIC.

I had been toying with the idea of giving up the blog for a while, taking breaks here and there but now it seemed I had been forced into retirement on someone else's terms. Someone had killed me off the web - if only I had Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys or maybe even Encyclopedia Brown on the speed dial...

I immediately began to locate HELP on blogger. Would you believe there is no way that I could find to contact someone to find out what was going on? No email, no chat, not even an old fashioned phone number. Their version of HELP was for me to post a question on the discussion board and wait for a user or a monitor to respond. As someone with a fairly low-key blog, I wasn't thrilled with that method of customer service, I can't imagine how someone who was using a blog for income would feel.

I posted my question on the help forum and waited. A little while later, I checked the URL again and it had reappeared just as mysteriously as it had left. So very odd.

I am taking it as a sign from "the internets" that I am being given a second chance. So thankful it reappeared! I can't say I am going to start posting every day but I promise to be better. :)


Katie said...

so strange, but, welcome back :)

That Pink Girl said...

Whew, close call. I've heard that blogger is making a bunch of changes (in fact, lots of rumblings about the changes...several people I know are leaving blogger because of the drama) Glad you're back at any rate!

Amanda said...

I've noticed some changes to blogger too, but knock on wood I haven't disappeared yet :).

Glad you are back and look forward to hearing from you every now and again!

Carolina John said...

Blogger does some weird stuff. I wish there was a way to export my entire blog (including pictures) into a word document, but can't find that one anywhere.

Lindsay said...

This is why many people seem to be leaving for Wordpress - too many blogger bugs! Knock on wood I haven't encountered any myself... Yet...

Julie said...

I've not been that great posting recently either, but I would be devestated if my blog dissappeared!
So glad you found yours!

Barbara L said...

Oooh, you're lucky it came back. Blogger has been a little gitchy lately. Wonder why ...

My Running Shortz

B.o.B. said...

lol! here's to 2nd chances. we missed you. :)

p.s. me thinks i'll be at augusta with you. crapping my pants.

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