Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running the Reagan...

Four years ago today, I ran the first 5k in what has become a string of races. Back then a trainer at Lifetime talked a group of us into running with the promised prize of a $100 gift card to the winner. I haven't seen the trainer since that race and I am sure he has no idea that his pushing me into a 5k back then turned into such a love of the sport. Amazing what a few positive words of encouragement can do in a person's life. That $100 gift card was spent long ago but the idea that I have the ability to achieve so much more than I ever thought possible will stay with me forever.

oh, and .... as for the race today? I have a new PR of 24:19 which gets me into Corral B for the Peachtree RR and also earned me my first ever 1st place age group award. It probably wasn't the most strategically run race ever as I really didn't have a plan other than to not burn out in the first mile. I got my desired end result so I'll take it!


ajh said...

Huge congrats for the age group win! And the Corral placement! Hurrah for you!

Lindsay said...

congrats all around!

Amanda said...

Congratulations - I knew you could do it! I knew you'd get the time you needed for your B corral placement.

Extra huge congrats on the 1st place finish too!

I am just so impressed with everything that you keep doing - very inspiring!

Debbie said...

Congratulations! Nice job on the pr and placing first in your division!

Ransick said...

That is awesome! PR and 1st place at the same time. I would still be smiling ear to ear (and probably tomorrow too) :-).

That Pink Girl said...

Oh wow, congratulations on a shiny new PR and an AG win! You are smokin!!!

Happy Feet 26.2 said...

I often think about the people or comments through the years that REALLY made a lasting impact on me. You never know who or what inspires someone to better themselves. I love that!

Congrats! nice race....

Barbara L said...

Hey! Nice going! You must be on top of the world:)

My Running Shortz

The Original MAJ said...

GREAT JOB and nice award!!

Unknown said...

What a great story about how you got started. Man, that trainer would be SHOCKED to know how awesome you are now!!!

Congrats on a new PR, a new corral and a great award!

Ann said...

Great job!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! :)

Ara said...

Awesome time & new PR!

Johann said...

That is great! Well done on the PR and age group win! You are a real running star now.

Black Knight said...

Beautiful award.

Jason said...

Great job.

With 5Ks it is all about speed and no plan.....just run!

Suz and Allan said...

Congratulations on winning your age group! That's very exciting and I know you are pumped about being able to start in Corral B.

gajkelley said...

Congratulations on the win and the B group placing! I've resigned myself to C group this year - perhaps I can make it to B next year, especially with you as inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Great work and here's to starting a few minutes early on a hot July morning!!!

Carolina John said...

Wow, nice! An age group win and PR? I'll take that anyday. Excellent work.

Swim Bike Mom said...

FANTASTIC, Karen! Congrats!!! That is screeeeaming fast.

Teamarcia said...

Fantastic! You've come such a long way. Congrats on the AG win and enjoyed the rarified air in that seeded corral!

Jill said...

What a great accomplishment - woohoo!!!!

Chad said...

If anyone is looking for great training plans that cover how to set goals, proper running form, determining your pace, nutrition, injury prevention and race day strategy you should really check these plans out.

TX Runner Mom said...

Wow, congrats!!! You are quite speedy!