Every once in a while I wonder why I spend time logging in my workouts on various sites. Sometime ago, I had used one site exclusively and when that site crashed, well, everything was gone with it. I have since been logging my workouts online to a few different sites - Daily Mile, Beginner Triathlete and then a google calendar (because KC likes to keep up and harass me...). I was using Training Peaks as well but decided it was excessive to log into that many places. I know, four sites, really? I think that was carryover fear from the great Buckeye Outdoors crash last year.
Anyhow, I rarely go more than a month or so back to see what I have done so why bother? Last night, I had kind of a blah run. The kind that makes you question your preparedness and whether if your tree fell in the IM forest and you dropped out would anyone even notice. Not that I would drop out but it was one of those kind of runs where you question everything and I had been feeling like I wasn't on target with training in general. Today it dawned on me that I could look and see what my workouts looked like this time last year. I was, after all, preparing for the exact same race. So clickety click, I look online and it turns out that I am ahead of where I was this time last year! Go figure...
Funny how your attitude can change based on the tiniest thing. This year, I am thinking I am not doing enough. Last year, I remember being on cloud 9 because every workout was a new distance record for me and never even questioned that I was on track.