Last week really did not go as planned. Thursday, I picked hubster up at the airport. At the Atlanta airport, essentially you meet all incoming people at the top of a bank of escalators. It is sort of a red carpet affair, family and friends are standing behind ropes anxiously trying to spot their loved ones as they get off the escalator. In my case, I knew CR would be coming up on the elavator in a wheelchair so had my eyes peeled. I had no doubt I would recognize him. When he did get off the elevator, I felt bad because I didn't immediately recognize him. It was a weird glimpse of his possible elderly future. He looked tired and in pain. Not the cheery face I expected. The skycap wheeled him out past baggage claim and waited with him while I pulled the car around. Really nice.
Once we got home, he made his way to bed. Initially, I had him propped up on about 18 pillows. He had to get up and go to the bathroom then we made the ill-fated decision to lie flat. It turns out when you have four ribs broken in the back, it is next to impossible to get up from a lying down position. Who knew? At one point, I thought we were going to have to call 911 to get him up. Once he did power through the pain and get upright, we knew he was going to have to sleep sitting up that night.
As luck would have it, we had found the perfect lounge chair during his leg surgeries and knew that is what would work this time too. The chair pivots up to a seated postion and then back to a lying down position. Perfect. Unfortunately, his chair was in Daytona in his truck that is to be driven up here this week. A quick trip to Wal-Mart later and we had a chair! I am soooo thankful they happened to have one or who knows what we would have done. Crisis averted.
I ended up staying home with him Friday as he was essentially unable to get up and down unassisted. Over the weekend, he has become a little more mobile which is great so I can go to work tomorrow and not worry about him. I am told he went off of the right side of the motorcycle and did some flipping finally landing on his head with his right arm kind of crumpled behind him. Now that he is feeling better, he is a little disappointed that no one took a picture. Boys.... He is definitely thankful to be alive as it could have been so much worse. A bruised hip, four broken ribs, and a bruised brain none of which required surgery. Someone was definitely watching out for him that day.
Saturday morning, after getting CR showered and situated, I was able to go to a tennis match. I actually had 2 this weekend. One Saturday and one Sunday. Two BIG wins - WOO HOO! The first was 6-0, 6-0 and the second was 6-1, 6-2. These were both in the league I want to do well in. I have 2 leagues I play for singles, one is for practice and one I take seriously. The one I take seriously has had me trudging away at the same level for far too long. I am hoping with my 2 wins this weekend, I might have opened the elevator to take the ride to the next higher level! It is still early but looking hopeful!
Here is a funny story... Do you see the small black line/scrape looking thing on the fender?
I noticed it Friday as I was getting the chair for CR. I didn't give it a close inspection but kind of ran my finger over it. To me, it looked like maybe someone had backed into me or possibly a shopping cart thing. It appeared to have a cut in the paint and maybe the paint pushed away a bit. Yesterday, I am putting my groceries in the back and look at it again. Touched it again. IT WAS BIRD POOP. Immediately washed hands, thankful that there was no dent after all! How I thought the bird poop was a dent, I will never know. Clearly, I was tired. :)
CR is in his WalMart Patio furniture lounging and watching the race. I have some cleaning, laundry and prepping food for the week to do. I have a giveaway that I want to do one day this week. A pretty cool food chiller thingy from General Mills. Stay tuned and have a great night!
Glad he is doing better!
awesome with the tennis!
i am doing what you are doing today-prepping for the week.
have a good one :)
Wow, it sounds like he's in pain. Poor guy. You are a sweet wife and nurse! Nice job being an great tennis player too, how fun!
Have a nice week, I hope your husband heals up quickly!
Hi, Karen. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sounds like your hubbies accident was a doozie. Hope he recovers well.
I looked around a bit at your blog. I love the color scheme. And I'll be back to check out the food for sure. I may try the eggplant recipe. I love eggplant.
Wohoo on the wins and so glad to read that CR is doing fine.
Happy to hear your man is on the mend! Tennis sounds hard, not sure I want to try it and that's coming from someone who just powered through their first marathon. BTW- I have been forgetting to mention that I love reading your food themed blogs, good stuff there!
My parents absolutely 100% forbade me from ever getting on a motorcycle. To this day, I don't know how to ride and have never been on one. I hope he recovers soon, broken ribs hurrrrrttt
Good to hear his injuries were only minor. Sounds like it could have been much worse
Sounds like a great chair! I hope your husband heals fast!
Sounds like your hubby is very lucky. You seem to have a good attitude about it too. Best of luck on his recovery.
Good job on the tennis too.
Glad hubs is doing better - must be his excellent nursing staff :) Too funny about the bird poop!
Glad your hubby is now home safe and sound. I have had just bruised ribs before and that was quite painful to get up, breathe deep, cough, laugh, etc. I can't imagine how much more pain he is in with 4 broken ribs but he is lucky to be alive.
Congrats on your tennis wins!
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