On a typical night, they have anywhere from 30 to 40 participants. The night I went it was a party of ONE. ME. Hmmm… maybe the Friday before a holiday weekend was not such a great idea. It really didn’t bother me all that much, mostly I felt bad for the instructor. They seat you at a station with an easel, canvas, brushes and a styrofoam plate with the various colors you need for the design and off you go.

This is no paint by the numbers, you basically watch what the instructor does up front and copy it onto your canvas. She said we could draw it in pencil first but I threw caution to the wind and drew it on in paint. It DEFINITELY would have been more fun if there were more people there. I am not all that into a one on one experience. (The same reason personal training never interested me much, I much prefer to meld into a group). All in all, I was surprised how the painting came out. Very similar to the prototype!

I think Rick was a little more impressed with the painting than I was with it. I had planned on displaying it in a cardboard box in the closet. He wanted to display it on a wall on the kitchen. That is love right there. ;)

I love your husband's reaction.
I would not want to be the only one either.
Sounds like it would be fun with a group of people, but you made the best of it :)!
What a sweet guy!
You did a good job on the painting. I'm so not artistic...but it would definitely be fun with some drinks and some friends. :)
We have one of these up here that I bought a groupon for. Icant wait to go! I noticed you didn't photograph the prototype..... Hmmm. ;) yours looks great though, I hope it's happily hanging in the kitchen!
Sounds like fun... and one on one attention with the instructor. Can't beat that (although I'm sure girlfriends and maybe some wine would have been fun too!)
We have something similar here and yes, it is so fun! Your painting looks great - love the colors!
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