The irony of my life is that while I LOVE plotting out my training schedules and penciling in each future workout in great organized detail, I find myself rarely sticking to the plan. I try to remember if I followed "the plan" for my last marathon but it has been longer than 24 hours ago and simply cannot recall. My guess would be no. Don't get me wrong, I follow the long runs religiously, it is just the mid-week runs that suffer. You know, the ones that really make the long runs easier. Or at least that is my theory... The mid week base building would make the long runs less of a torture test and more of "slightly longer" run.
My week usually ends up as a juggling act. Fitting in tennis, fitting in dishes/laundry/insert household needs here, fitting in strength classes at the gym or whatever I think I might be lacking or strikes my fancy. If I have tennis practice until 10:00 PM on Monday, my Tuesday AM run becomes a no go. (Unfortunately, I am one of those people that requires a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Anything less and by Friday I am a walking zombie.) As always, I have too many things I want to do (i.e. group runs on Saturday AM conflict with Zumba on Saturday AM) and not enough time to figure it all out.
I think today's 15 miler was a victim of not enough base building, too much personal stress and anything else I might like to blame. I knew when I woke up that my legs were feeling overworked but also knew I had 15 miles in pencil on the calendar that I could not ignore. OK, I could ignore it but as we all know the miles just keep compounding so you know the issue here. I set out on my run and did get my 15 miles in but wasn't happy with the way it went down. A whole lot more walking than running. In the end I got in the miles. I don't really count it as a successful training run but... at least I kept my legs moving. I am not really sure what the issue was, I KNOW I could do better at mid week runs. I also know that I am under a ton of personal stress right now so I wonder if the mental part is what might be bringing me down. In the end, I am proud that I kept going regardless of how it got done. Sometimes, half the battle is just overcoming yourself, right?