Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Ride Pics

Scenes from my Christmas Eve ride this morning... My favorite is picture number two. I was taking picture number one when my friend rolled ride through for the photo bomb. So hilarious!


RockStarTri said...

Merry Christmas and HNY!

Beth said...

That photo bomb is hilarious. Merry Christmas!

Kate Geisen said...

Beautiful pictures. Love that second one! :) I like to take pictures of my bike shadow, too.

Merry Christmas!

Suz and Allan said...

Gorgeous pictures from your ride! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

That Pink Girl said...

Love the shadow pic!
Merry Christmas!

Barbara L said...

Beautiful pictures. Gorgeous countryside. Happy Holidays!
My Running Shortz

Amanda said...

Love the pictures. What a beautiful place to ride. There are definitely times I miss living in the country!

Merry Christmas!

Ransick said...

Great pictures! Picture 2 came out perfect! You couldn't have planned it and made it turn out that good.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Wow... so pretty! Nothing better than a horse photo bomb! :)

Jason said...

That is a classic photo bomb. Perfectly timed.

That looks like a gorgeous area to ride in....WOW!

And all you people who take pics while riding amaze me. Two of my favorites are Katie of thisamazingday and Charisa Wernick of same blog name.

I don't know how you guys do it but wait your all ladies....maybe that's the trick and I'll never take a picture while on my bike.