After watching Live with Kelly (it really doesn't have the same ring to the title now that Regis is gone...), washing a couple of loads of laundry and having an internal debate in my head about my route, I was ready to hit the road.
The thing about running near my house is this... you can either stick close to home knowing you are going to run a bunch of hills or you can drive 45 minutes across town and go for a flat route. I decided to save myself a whole lot of driving and just suck it up on the hills. In the end, I was glad I did as it was a great confidence boost for the marathon. I didn't have any of the issues I had last week with foot and hip pain. (Which makes me think now that the new Saucony's were to blame for last week's issues... and makes me sad as I REALLY wanted to like them. On the short runs, they are fine but anything longer than 10 or 12 miles they are not good. Bummer.)

I sent out emails earlier today to the participants in KDUB's 70.3 Birthday Challenge. If you wanted to participate and did not get an e-mail, please send me a note to kwhitlock at bellsouth dot net.
I often have that same self debate -- run the hills outside my door or drive to the flat stuff :) glad to hear your run went well ... 'specially with your marathon so close.
My Running Shortz
I had to do the same thing with my T7 racers from Brooks in that they are only good for running less than 13 miles and probably only good for me up to a 15k.
Congrats on the confidence build, that is great news.
Oh, my gosh. That picture is exactly my husband's justification for refusing to come to any of my races. Well, that, and the fact that Sunday races conflict with football watching.
Yea for a strong long run! :) Boo for the shoes not working out as you'd hoped.
Glad your run went well. Heading over for your challenge now to see if I can get it in.
Good for you!
I actually prefer hills as that way I alternate working muscles. Flat runs tire me terribly! No kidding.
Now running that distance after a holiday feast... no way I could do that.
I dread hills because I don't have any around me. I think it might be rather nice to live somewhere that I had an easier option to run them...Although I'd probably complain about them if they were outside my door :)...I guess you just can't please me...
Glad to hear you had a good long run.
They say when you have a new pain you should blame the shoes and get a new pair. I'm starting to rethink that statement.
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