Friday, December 23, 2011

Looking forward...

I received a group email from my boss', boss', boss today (follow that? ... three levels above me). He is not one for sentiment or group emails. I hear from him or speak to him maybe once every few months. The conversations are always all business. I guess when he has something to share along the lines of motivation, he wants it to be a good nugget of wisdom. I present you with Exhibit A, today's email which was a simple quote:

“Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.”
--Pope John XXIII

What a great thing to keep in mind as we are all setting those goals and resolutions for 2012. Let go of those things in the past that might not have gone your way. Focus on your potential and don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Get out there and make it happen.


Kate Geisen said...

That's a great quote...and a hilarious cartoon.

Kate Geisen said...

And Merry Christmas!!

Lindsay said...

Got to love those excessive chains-of-command! Sounds like my workplace. Nice email though, at least the guy isn't totally inaccessible. I'll have to remember the cartoon next time someone points out my laziness ;)

Merry Christmas to you and the hubby!

Jason said...

What a great quote and definitely something to keep in mind as we build momentum toward 2012 and beyond.

'Hard Work, Dedication'

Beth said...

That's a gret quote to keep in mind for the new year (/training season)! Merry Christmas!

Barbara L said...

Sounds like a thoughtful boss boss boss :) love the cartoon!
Merry Christmas
My Running Shortz

misszippy said...

Great quote. it's funny, I would never think of something on a challenging level like that coming from a pope! Thanks for sharing.

RunToTheFinish said...

people have always said my dad is quiet and I've always said it's so that people will listen when he speaks :)

Suz and Allan said...

That's a really great quote. Have a Merry Christmas!

Amanda said...

Love that quote and the chickens :)!