Sunday night, I set my alarm for 4:45 for my first day of boot camp. Rolled out of bed and headed to the gym. I had done boot camp in the past so thought I knew what to expect and wasn't too nervous about it. When I got there I realized that boot camp had changed since I had last participated. It had definitely been restructured and cranked up a notch. This was a good thing but took away my thoughts on taking it easy the first day. :)
Right off the bat, the trainer motions to the pull up bar and has everyone do as many pull ups as they could. From my adventures in crossfit, I knew my number on this exercise would be a big fat zero. Normally, I would have flashed back to the 6th grade presidential fitness test and the pull ups there but I quickly realized that only one or two people in the group could do a pull up so it was no big deal. I actually almost got one and surprised myself being that close to doing it.
If this was me, I would have gotten to a little past #3 there. I am might use the suggestions on this page for improving my skill. Boot camp homework. LOL.
We went through 3 rounds of various workouts and at one point the trainer said we were still in warm up. I knew this was going to be no joke but exactly what I needed! After it was all said and done I had that awesome feeling of jello legs and arms. You know you had a good workout but knew that was going to hurt later. ...and it did. I tell you what - you think you are in decent shape and then you start cross training and realize there are plenty of muscles you obviously aren't working at all. I do know I have to work on my upper body strength. My legs can take a pretty good beating from all the biking and running but anything upper body related kicks my butt. I need to get on the remedial push up program. For real. The rest of the week pretty much went like the first and I loved every minute of it. Can't wait until I go back on Monday.
In other news, I still haven't decided about my two races in January. Right now I am leaning towards dropping them and focusing on speed going into the other race in March. Tomorrow is kind of decision day as it is a key long run.
Christmas-wise, I am getting the baking bug and might have to break out some treats this week for my guys and girls at the range! I love to bake in general (I can follow a recipe like nobody's business but don't ask me to come up with something fresh and creative.). I especially love to make treats to give away at Christmas. I am thinking of making these this year... Snowball cookies are my go to treat. So simple and yummy. The others are going to be new to me. I might throw some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in the mix too. The funny story on those is that those cookies get rave reviews. They are basically a Betty Crocker mix and I add pecans. Sad but true. I guess Betty knows her cookies! Did I mention they have a weigh in every Friday at boot camp? This baker will have to exercise some self control. :)