Whew, I am glad that is over! Except that I have to do it again next week and then some... In all honesty, and I am not high on crack, it was not that bad. I ran it at Stone Mountain and stopped every 5 miles at the car for a quick GU gel and splash of water/gatorade. I really felt if I had been on a flat course I could have gone further and been comfortable.
The weather today was 65 degrees and 92% humidity which is probably a good thing since it will be humid in Florida. Normally, I like my Decembers to be cold but for today's purposes the temp and humidity worked out great as a trial run before the marathon. I was completely drenched when I got done which if I am like that in Florida should make for a LOVELY finishing shot. UGH. I wonder if they will let me cross the finish line and take a victory shot before I start? HA.
I saw my biking group from Tri Your Best looping around the mountain so that amused me for the first 10 miles. After that I was on my own. At one point, after someone on a bike had passed me more times than they thought was reasonable, they shouted out "how many miles are you running anyhow?". Yes, I was that psycho woman running for 3.5 hours which is funny because I usually see one or two out there that continue to run as I am driving back home and I wonder to myself how many miles they are running or I simply say "freak" as I drive by. Kidding... sort of. Today I was the freak.
The only odd thing about the run to speak of was I burned about 300 more calories than normal. I usually burn right at 100 calories per mile. Today, I burned 2300 for the 20 miles. Not sure what was different. Perhaps my body thought I was commiting suicide by running and just started to cannibalize from the inside out to help speed up the process of death by running. Just a theory.
Seriously, I am ecstatic that the run went well and was not torture. I feel like I am prepared for Disney. One more long run next week and then I start tapering. Can't wait until the 11th!
Awesome, Karen!! You'll do great at Disney, no doubt about it. You've put in the training and have wonderful determination and confidence. As for the calorie burn on the bike, every ride is different (at least, that's what I have experienced). Sometimes I burn 1,000 more calories than expected just due to terrain, weather and/or exertion. That's the beauty of riding a bike. :-)
That's fantastic! You are so ready for Disney. Isn't it amazing how many calories running can burn--if only I could run 20 miles every day!
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