Today was just one of those days where you feel like your mojo has come back in full force. No particular reason just a lot of little things that fell into place and gave me a little jump in my step.
Let's see:
1. I was on time to boot camp! My alarm went off at 4:44 and I didn't hit snooze 8 times until I got which would normally cause me to be 10 minutes late to boot camp. I actually got up on time AND managed to not get sucked into the vortex of facebook, something that is always good for 15 minutes wasted that I didn't have to waste. Don't get me started on my sad addiction to FarmTown.
2. Boot Camp was awesome as always! On Thursdays, we are usually on the treadmills which is not nearly as torturously boring when you are in a group. I got in a 5 mile run varying between HR zones 2, 3, AT and 4.
3. During boot camp I had a great AHA! moment. Our coach, Herb, got to talking about food preparation and planning ahead. EXACTLY what I needed to hear. He had some great tips on prepping food on Sunday to make it easy to grab and go the rest of the week. Since I leave the house at 5:30 AM and some days don't get back until after 9:00 PM, there are a lot of meals on the go. More on this topic later as I plan to try it out Sunday. Very excited about the plan!
4. Lunch with my friend Tahreesa! One of my favorite salads at Ted's Montana Grill is the grilled salad with Bison. It is basically a big Bison patty on top of a yummy salad with greens, avocado, bacon, eggs. MMMMMMMMM. I realize the "patty" sounds like something a bison would leave in the field but you know what I mean ;) TOC finally got a new job and is moving to Omaha next week. Tears....
5. A great day at work! Much was accomplished and it was stress free as the boss-man is out of town. :)
See, nothing that life shattering, but maybe just starting the day off right gave me the positive energy I needed!
I read an article about "drowning in the details". The premise is that you have all these little things that are on your mental to-do list and you get bogged down. You know - - deadlines, meetings, facebook, twitter, e-mails. The author's suggestion was to spend a weekend in a monastery. Seriously. Apparently, you can spend $50 for a weekend and go enjoy some solitude. If you don't have the $50 (or whatever the fee is) you can work it off while you are there. What an interesting thought to be away from email, phones and, ahem, farmtown for the weekend. One of the suggested stops was the Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, KY. They are into "toning down excessive self-concern". In layman's terms, NO TALKING. There is something so peaceful sounding about it. They have no charge, they only ask for an anonymous donation when you leave. I am not sure it is something I will ever do but just thinking about it seems peaceful in and of itself. I love that their web address is www.monks.org by the way...
In other news, one of my weekend plans is to catch up with the run club at Lifetime on Saturday AM. There is a 7 mile run which I am going to try to stretch to 10 miles and then maybe catch some pool time! Sunday is round one of playoffs for my USTA ladies team. We have a snowball's chance in H E double hockeysticks of making to round 2 but stranger things have happened :)
Last thing... Have you seen the movie, The Proposal? LOVED IT. Funny, funny, funny.
wow. the monastery thing actually sounds kind of cool! i guess i need to 'get away' and 'unwind' too, break away from the addictive internet!
glad all is going well with you! i see you are doing the disneyland half, going to get that coast to coast medal? i wanted to run that one (for the extra medal of course) but unfortunately won't be able to. :(
You know it - it is like a gift with purchase! You really don't NEED it but you have to have it, right? It actually worked out great being over Labor Day weekend. I used skymiles for the flight and the rest just fell into place. I am really looking forward to the whirlwind trip!
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