OK. Maybe not as dramatic as that but be afraid everyone... I am kicking back into gear tomorrow morning. After taking a hiatus around about Rick's surgery date, I am ready to get out there again. Maybe it is in anticipation of the Fall weather. I do know that the rain was a dangerous thing over the past week as I signed up for more races than I can probably fit into my schedule. The one thing I have learned about myself since I ventured into running last year is that I need goals and I view races as goals. Even the 5ks. They all serve their purpose.
Tomorrow morning I am running the Big Peach 10k Sizzler. I am hoping it is dubbed the "sizzler" because the course is blazing fast. :) It is a point to point race which I like so it should be a great morning. My goal for tomorrow is to just enjoy it.
Next weekend, I have a 5k on Saturday AM followed by a half marathon on Sunday. I am looking forward to running races on back to back days. My own mini-goofy race.
The BIG news today was that after several days of enduring flood related road closures in my area, the main road between me and the rest of my world (work, gym, tennis/my favorite grocery store) is now open! No more driving 8 miles out of the way to get to work/gym/tennis/store. WOO HOO!
Tonight, I have dishes and laundry and Tivo. Another exciting Friday. Have a great weekend :)
Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!
Make the course sizzle for you.
Good luck on all your races! :)
hope the race went well!
Hey Karen,
Did you get to do a run this week for the Fall Five Miler (or 5k)? If so, send over a note with your time and I'll add you to the list.
Hope you're having a great weekend - and you're getting excited for all the racing!
glad the waters are receding! hope atl didn't get more rain this weekend? i know we did in SC...
hope the 10k went well!
Hope the race went well for you
Great to hear the main road has been opened! 8 miles is a long way to go to get around flooding.
Hope your 10K went well!
You've got the kind of blog that will help my wife and I as we face some of the same challenges right now. Thanks!
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