I got stuck in a bathroom stall this week. Again. As I shimmied out from underneath yet another bathroom door, I realized I may now be developing some sort of unnatural fear of bathroom stalls. It could have been worse, at least this time I was in tennis gear. The last time I was at our corporate office on the executive floor in a suit. As I shimmied out from under the door then, I could only pray that none of the other “suits” decided to pop into the bathroom. Crisis averted.
I have a 20 miler on the schedule this weekend. I can feel myself beginning to fear it. Maybe not fear so much as a weird mix of excitement and a feeling of not being sure if I can do it. It is not like I haven’t conquered that distance before. I think the summer heat has really played a number on my confidence. The plan this week is to get up early, grab my CSA bag from the farmer’s market and head straight out to run. It has been wonderfully fall like here with some 50s and 60s in the AM so I will have no excuses. I am pumped to get ‘er done and conquer the doubts!
Four weeks until the Chickamauga marathon! Since it is only 2 months before the Goofy Challenge at Disney, I am planning on doing Chickamauga more as a training run with no specific time goal in mind. Enjoy the race, finish it and be proud – those are my three goals for Chickamauga. Ironically, they will probably be the same goals as I have for the Goofy. Why get too creative and confuse things? Since Chickamauga is a civil war battlefield, my Aunt asked me if I was going to dress up like a re-enactment character. As much as I would love to run 26.2 miles dressed like Laura Ingalls I am going to have to pass on that idea unless someone wants to follow me in a covered wagon with snacks, water and supplies....
In other news, there must something to that moderation thing… the bag of Hershey’s Kisses I received for the moderation nation project is still alive and well. Normally, CR would have killed it on the first night!
Similar fear: (sort of?) I get all panicked about getting stuck in clothes. Every squeezed yourself into a too small dress in a fitting room? I have more than once, and was sure each time I was going to have to have a store clerk come get me out lol.
Have you opened the bag of Hershey Kisses? See, with me a bag that is still closed is not a problem but once I open it... pictures of Cookie Monster come to mind.
When I was very young I once got stuck in a bathroom at my grandmother's house. Terror.
Ahh, bathroom stalls they do have something weird and I'm really glad I wasn't in your shoes or suit. Though it makes me smile to think of how it would've look when you got out there.
I am happy to say I have never been stuck in a bathroom. Good luck with your 20 miler
ahahaha. that's awesome. kinda. reminds me of when i was little and we would go in the stalls of a store, lock them, and crawl out. haha. that's probably why my bowels start rockin' and rollin' when i'm far from the bathroom on a run - dang karma.
good luck on the 20! as for hershey... they have a half-marathon now...
OMG stuck in a bathroom stall? I would die!!
The 20-miler is always a tough one. Once you get past it, though, there's no stopping you.
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