A few weeks ago, it occurred to me that since I am already training for a 70.3 and a fall marathon simultaneously, maybe this is the year to try the iron distance. Since hiring at coach at this point is not economically possible, I started looking at training plans. I laid the iron training plan over the one I was already following. It pretty much matched the plan I was already on right up until last week when the iron plan start creeping up mileage and time spent in the pool. Decision time.
I started looking at races. The WTC races were out of the question. Those sell out so quickly they would require much more thought and planning than I was giving myself. I narrowed it down to two races, The Great Floridian and Beach 2 Battleship. Both are smaller races which I love and both are in the same general time frame. After that, there were pros and cons to each. The Great Floridian has a notoriously hilly bike ride with a flat run course. While the Beach 2 Battleship has a super flat bike ride with a somewhat hilly run. Temperatures in Florida are hot whereas every race report I have read on Beach 2 Battleship talks about the finger and toe numbing cold. The Beach 2 Battleship is the same weekend as my planned Atlanta Marathon. Until last week I was sure which race I was going to do and then had a change of heart.
Granted, most people register for their ironman a year in advance. Registering three months before the race is not the norm, I know this. I truly feel like I have the training base I need to build up my endurance over the next three months. As they say, I respect the distance. By no means do I think it will be easy but I am up for the challenge. Today, I thought my heart might pound out of my chest as I hit the register button. I think I might need some arm warmers :)

WOW, Karen! This is so exciting!! I can't wait to hear how it all goes down. Wow. So cool!
Congratulations! It really is exciting. Good luck in your training. On your way to 140.6!
If you do sign up I will eagerly follow your journey. Good luck deciding.
Sorry, just realized you DID sign up! Wow! I am not used to people who make decisions so quickly. Good for you.
Wow! Big congratulations! My heart was pounding as I was reading your back and forths on the pros and cons. If you feel you've got the base, you should totally be going for it. Again, congratulations!
This is awesome! I am in awe of you and so proud of the confidence you are showing and your commitment to the training. I have no doubt you're going to have an amazing experience!!!
Holy cow girl, you are freaking incredible!!! So excited for you and looking forward to watcing your training...once you decide! :)
Whoaaa! Watch out world!
That is a GREAT choice. I did the beach 2 battleship as my first half iron back in 2009, it was warm and sunny. No worries about the cold. Last year they had a freak storm thing that threw off the swim, but it's really an amazing course. Congratulations! I'm doing IMFL this year, but might be training a friend (and racing with her) through the b2b full next year. So I've seriously got my eyes on wilmington.
We stayed at the Hilton Waterfront and it's the best hotel my wife has ever stayed in. She still asks at least once a month (since 2009) to go back there. Good luck getting a room. it's right on the run course so we were cheering on the iron runners from our balcony after I finished the half.
Seriously, check my race report.
also if you're curious, healthyashley.com is doing the great floridian again this year, she has a good race report from last year's race as it was her first 140.6.
This is great! You will do it because your head and heart is right. Go for it! I know that feeling of registering for something a little scary. Exciting and terrifying at the same time. Will follow your journey with interest.
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