Joanne Cloak, founder and CEO of 4all has a personal connection to the cause as a result of watching her sister bravely battle and survive breast cancer twice. Once Joanne created 4all in 2007, she knew that she would do something to help women like her sister. 10% of each sale of each pink blush Jo-Polo goes to support Susan G Komen for the Cure.
I know these clothes are really for golf, tennis and fitness but I like wearing them to work on casual day! They are wrinkle free and the hem is long enough so you don't feel like you need to constantly pull it down which I adore.

My company's home office is in Texas and they love casual days there. We tend to get them for all sorts of reasons. Usually if someone mentions the words Texas Tech in the hallway, we will get an email announcing casual day. For several weeks during the summer, we had casual days because it was so hot. We currently have casual days until the end of the world series (you know, Texas Rangers and all...). Any excuse is a good one for me. In the meantime, I will be sporting my jeans and thankful that I don't have to iron anything!
This is my chillin' at home in taper mode look... 11 more days! Don't you love my wall decoration of an empty phone jack. Lovely.

So... back to the point.... 4all is giving away either a polo or sleeveless polo to one of you! All you have to do is "like" 4all on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. Leave a comment for each. I will draw a winner on Tuesday, October 25th. Good Luck :)
Already like their fb page! This is a great giveaway-I've been eying one of these polos!
Already following them on twitter too-I'm Suz4AU0608
I'm following on twitter.
Very cute! I'll like their fb page.
Cute shirt and a great cause!!!
Cute! I am now following them on Twitter (@BGTriChick). BTW - I can't wait to read your race report for B2B! If I ever manage to work up to a 70.3 that will be my first race.
I just liked them on Facebook too
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