Every once in a while I wonder why I spend time logging in my workouts on various sites. Sometime ago, I had used one site exclusively and when that site crashed, well, everything was gone with it. I have since been logging my workouts online to a few different sites - Daily Mile, Beginner Triathlete and then a google calendar (because KC likes to keep up and harass me...). I was using Training Peaks as well but decided it was excessive to log into that many places. I know, four sites, really? I think that was carryover fear from the great Buckeye Outdoors crash last year.
Anyhow, I rarely go more than a month or so back to see what I have done so why bother? Last night, I had kind of a blah run. The kind that makes you question your preparedness and whether if your tree fell in the IM forest and you dropped out would anyone even notice. Not that I would drop out but it was one of those kind of runs where you question everything and I had been feeling like I wasn't on target with training in general. Today it dawned on me that I could look and see what my workouts looked like this time last year. I was, after all, preparing for the exact same race. So clickety click, I look online and it turns out that I am ahead of where I was this time last year! Go figure...
Funny how your attitude can change based on the tiniest thing. This year, I am thinking I am not doing enough. Last year, I remember being on cloud 9 because every workout was a new distance record for me and never even questioned that I was on track.
I love looking at old blog posts for that reason! You feel like you haven't improved at all, but then you see the times/distances from a year ago and realize how far you've come!
WHat a cool looking group and great weather too boot...looks like it was a great time had by all!
Ah yes, the great buckeye crash turned us into training log hoarders so to speak. I'm proud to say I'm now down to one, the google calendar. I think are are doing just fine K! Keep up the consistent training! You know I'll be keeping tabs ;)
i actually refer back to my old training logs a lot - for routes I liked - how did I train for a certain length race, all kinds of stuff.
It is funny how old harder workouts are now easier or medium workouts. What is your BT username? Mine is a shocker..... Ransick :-)
I log everything. Religiously. And if my Garmin fails me on a run I feel like it wasn't a REAL run. But I do it for a reason - to see progress since I've been sick and to try to predict if I'm getting run down again.
I also lost all my logging with that crash. Now I use Daily Mile and my polar trainer software as well as a spreadsheet. I go back to previous years quite often.
Ah perspective. It's good to have all of those training logs. You can check each one to see if you are schizo. LOL!
I've done the exact same thing. It kind of allows you to breath a sign of relief when you realize that you are much more of a badass than you thought! :) Keep plugging along my dear... you're doing amazing!
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