Monday, December 8, 2008

I forgot my pants!

Seriously. It was bound to happen. Frenzied bag packing the night before going to the gym at 5:20ish am. Packing a bag of work clothes, another bag of tennis clothes, breakfast, lunch, snack before tennis. I was bound to forget something. I was hoping it would not be my pants! Somehow, I realized it as I was walking into the gym. Just a feeling. I confirmed that feeling in the locker room when I looked in my bag and there were no pants to be found. DOH! hmmmm.... what to do....

Two options. 1. Go home and change and incur the wrath of crazy time keeping boss by being an hour or more late. Downside - unpredictably tempered boss could lead to mental pain for the entire day or longer. 2. Wear the black yoga pants I have in my tennis bag and hope the top dresses it all up enough to pull it off. Downside - wearing form fitting yoga pants all day is a little unprofessional and I might get sent home to change by the dress code gestapo...

I opted for the yoga pants and stayed in my office most of the day only getting up when necessary so as to go unnoticed by the dress code police. sigh..... It worked like a charm but I did feel oddly uncomfortable all day thinking that people were wondering what was up with the tight pants and just not saying anything to me. Paranoid and proud, that is me. For the record, they were not compression tights - I am not an idiot :) If that were the case, I would have definitely gone home!

On the bright side - there is a meet and greet for a triathlon club literally 3 miles from my house on Satruday so I am very excited... will fill you in later.


Mary Elizabeth (MErider) said...

LOL...I've done that, only it was my bra and undies. I had no worries with either since I had a blazer and a skirt but I felt naked all day.

Kevin said...

I once forgot my work shoes and had to run into Wally World and buy a cheap pair of work shoes