Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don'ts for Women Riders...

Came across the blog Lists of Note earlier today. Love this list of riding tips for ladies from 1895.

A few tips are laugh out loud funny, while others still somewhat ring true today. Here are a few of my faves. PLEASE visit their blog to check out the rest for a good laugh (or if you need to brush up on your 'rules of the road').

Don't be a fright.

Don't ask, "What do you think of my bloomers?"

Don't scream if you meet a cow. If she sees you first, she will run.

Don't wear white kid gloves. Silk is the thing.

Don't try to have every article of your attire "match."

Don't cultivate a "bicycle face."

Don't attempt a "century."

Don't scratch a match on the seat of your bloomers.

Don't appear in public until you have learned to ride well.

Enjoy ... Hope you are having a great weekend!

*** Don't forget to enter to win a $25 Publix Gift Card. You have until Monday! ***


The Original MAJ said...

Loved that one, saw it on a blog a while back! TOO FUNNY!

ajh said...

Back to the wet suit. Thanks for answering. Do you have an opinion to full vs. shorter?

dentalfriend said...

Love it!! Especially don't cultivate a "bicycle face", and don't attempt a "century". Hahahahaha, I guess I'm not a real lady!! *winks*

Ransick said...

Congrats on your marathon today!

Unrelated to your funny post, tonight I made that fish recipe you posted a couple posts ago. I used Mahi Mahi instead of Tilapia and grilled the fish and veggies. It was wonderful! I was a little iffy on the orange zest, but put it in anyway and it was a nice touch. I also did some chicken breasts the same way and everyone loved those too.

Ann said...

LOL - awesome post!! :)

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

That is too funny. Oh I just love breaking all those rules! Rules are for suckers anyway!

Teamarcia said...

See and here I thought a bicycle face was a good thing!

Carolina John said...

Nice! Because women can't possibly complete a century ride. ha!

My favorite is when women ride in just a low cut sports bra or tri top and spend lots of time in aero. Riding is not the time to show off cleavage! Zip that jersey up!

Jamie said...

Haha this is pretty funny!

I might have to stay out of public until I learn to ride well!

Amanda said...

Those are fun! I wonder how you achieve not being a fright....

Unknown said...

What a great list. I especially love "Don't cultivate a "bicycle face.". Hum... wonder if I make that face!

Barbara L said...

Ha ha!! That's hilarious. So glad I wasn't born then! What a pain being a woman.

My Running Shortz