Monday, January 2, 2012

Putting races on the calendar…

Time to firm up those plans for the year I suppose... I had 2012 all planned out little over a month ago. Shortly thereafter, I started receiving notices about this race or that race. Some of them were running races, others were triathlons. My major issue seems to be that I am afraid I am missing out on something which makes it hard to draw that line. I suppose that is where a coach would come in handy. Someone to sort of drop the hammer on these thoughts.

You all gave me great tidbits of advice as I made an effort to reformulate my plan. Most of the advice was to focus on the ‘A’ goal and build the other races around it. In my mind I knew that was the way to go.

With that in mind, my 2012 is kind of split into two phases. January through March is all about road races. I will still be training in swim/bike/run mode and working the road races into that plan since it is early in the season. April through October will be all about triathlon leading up to my second iron distance. Which leaves November and December which will be all about resting. :)

I really only have three triathlon/running goals for this year and they are all time related:

1. Get a new PR in the 10k distance. Goodbye 52:07, hello 50:59 or better. The only reason I even care about this time relates to placement in a wave for the Peachtree Road Race. Last year I was in Corral C. This year (assuming the time standards don’t change), I want to be in corral B. Not that C is that much different than B but it is just a personal goal and I want to mingle with the faster kids in hopes that some of that speed might rub off on me.

2. Race a sub-6 hour at Augusta. Last year I was pleasantly surprised with a 6:07 for my first 70.3. Six hours seems very doable. (A new bike to replace my $300 ebay one would certainly help if anyone is in the mood to donate… *ahem*)

3. Improve my time at Beach 2 Battleship. Under the right conditions, I feel like I can pull something in the 12 hour range. The wind was so brutal last year it really killed my bike time. I should have more biking experience going into the race which would help me to ride faster wind or no wind.

Key races in 2012:

January 14 – Museum of Aviation Marathon
February 26 – Charles Harris 10k
March 18 – Shamrock Marathon
May 6 – REV3 Knoxville (Oly)
May 20 – Iron Girl Sprint Tri
June 25 – Cartersville Century
July 4 – Peachtree Road Race
July 8 – Chattanooga Olympic Tri
September 2 – Savannah Century
September 30 – Augusta 70.3
October 20 – Beach 2 Battleship 140.6

For those of you in the midwest or those interested in an awesome training weekend, EVOTRI is hosting a pretty cool training event on the IM Wisconsin course in June called WIBA (Wisconsin Brick Adventure). Basically, you get to swim, ride and run the course in advance of the race which would be fantastic if you have IM WI on your schedule. Even if you don't have IM WI on your schedule, it sounds like a great weekend!


KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

2 marathons and 2 centuries will certainly give you a great foundation for B2B round 2! i think the schedule you have is great b/c you have a good mix of distances that will help sharpen strength, speed & endurance. keep an eye on your area tri club websites. i see a lot of tri bikes posted for sale around my area.

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

p.s. i helped Summer find a tri bike last year on ebay. if you need any help sorting out the over priced junk from the awesome deals, let me know. Summer got a hell of a deal on her C-dale. the crank alone was worth $750 and she got the full bike for about $1000.

Ann said...

Those races sound GREAT!!!! Awesome plan for 2012!!!

ajh said...

Looks like a great schedule with some pretty hard core races. Enjoy!

Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

You and I are going to ROCK B2B!!

Ransick said...

Nice solid goals and race schedule! Makes my schedule look pretty wimpy :-).

Laura said...

You've got a great year ahead of you! I'm working on my 2012 races, too... always hard to narrow it down and choose. I'd love to start getting into tri's but the bike is a hurdle (I have a cheap one), I'm not sure I'd use it enough to justify buying a better one. We'll see!

Amanda said...

Seems like you did a really good job getting to a solid list of races spread out very well.

Excited to see just what you're going to do this year because you have such a good solid base already!


I think the schedule looks great. So excited to meet you at Shamrock.

And to make you feel better, my bike is a $190 road bike with a straight handlebar. It's the most pathetic bike. Praying for a 30th birthday upgrade.

Barbara L said...

You have some great races planned. I think I need to get on that, too :)

My Running Shortz

Char said...

Wow you've got a busy 2012 ahead. I haven't made any race plans at all - you've put me to shame.

Jamie said...

Great race calendar! I have some races on my calendar (planned races and registered races) but it could still change a little bit.

Good luck on your second 140.6!

Swim Bike Mom said...

Sounds like a great year planned!!! I'll see you at Irongirl, and hopefully Augusta!!! :)

Unknown said...

Looks like a great schedule (and I'm excited because I see a race or two in there that I'm looking at too and hope to get to meet you!)

Ewa said...

Good looking plan. I am not much of a racer but I am always impressed with people who are. Good luck achieving your goals this year!

RhodeRunnerGirl said...

Sounds like a great plan. Good luck with your training:)

Carolina John said...

I gotta agree with KC, you're going to be in MUCH better shape for B2B this year. Only wish I could be there with you.

And I'm gunning for that evotri spot too. Don't be hatin.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Touch Chik!
I'm looking forward to following. That Beach to Battleship looks intense. Can't wait to hear about it!

Jill said...

Well, I don't see any races in Colorado on there - whaaaa! :) Looks like a busy year, you are so freaking strong and it's going to pay off for you well this year! Can't wait :).

That Pink Girl said...

I see it! I see another 140.6 on that calendar! Love your sense of adventure!