Friday, January 6, 2012

A Friday Quickie...

I saw a link to an article on SUAR this AM and had to share. The 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym. Truly hilarious. Some of my favorites:

- You can take 10 Minute Abs, 20 Minute Abs, and 30 Minute Abs. There is also Stop Eating Pizza and Eating Sheet Cake Abs—but that's super tough! (this explains so much… hmm no Riverside Pizza tonight I guess)

- If you're motivated to buy an expensive home exercise machine, consider a "wooden coat rack." It costs $40, uses no electricity and does the exact same thing. (CR *just* asked me the other day to get my clothes off the weight machine so he could use it…)

- If you see an indoor rock climbing wall, you're either in a really cool gym or a romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson. (Ahhh, Lifetime Fitness. I must be in a really cool gym because I don’t see Kate Hudson anywhere.)

- There is no secret. Exercise and lay off the fries. The end. (Whoa. You mean there is actual work involved? That’s crazy talk.)

Oh and to the newbie who used my locker this AM, I really like #321. We have grown close over the 4 years I have been at the gym. It throws me off when you use it as I tend to be a bit OCD about these things. I'll let you off with a warning this time. :)


misszippy said...

It is a fun list, isn't it? Hope you get that locker back w/o having to brawl! ; )

Beth said...

haha, that's pretty good. I made the same comment yesterday about all the people in my 30 min abs class at lunch. Your new years resolution is to lose weight? You're probably better served by jogging for 30 min than laying on a mat doing crunches. just saying.

Molly said...

That article cracked me up when I saw it yesterday!!! Good stuff :-)

Susan DeBruin said...

That article is hilarious!!

Kate Geisen said...

Funny stuff!

Jason said...

Funny how we get accustomed to the routine. I use the same locker at the gym all the time too, but you know what? I don't know the #. I will have to check it out on Monday when I head back.

Jamie said...

Haha funny article!

I know how you feel about using the same locker. I would always use the same locker when I was on the swim team and now I do when I go to the gym. I hate being thrown off!

Ransick said...

That's funny! I can't forward it to my wife now though, she's sitting in the chair watching lifetime movie network (my kids call it lame mom network) in sweats :-).

Barbara L said...

Ha ha! You're so right ... but I'm not giving up my white wine!

My Running Shortz

Michelle said...

I hear you on the fries comment. The holidays were killer this year!!! Back tothe normal routine! Thankfully!

Raina said...

No fries? :(

Lindsay said...

These were hilarious! Damn the no-pizza or sheet cake deal. How else will we get our proper nutrients?!?

Ara said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one at the gym that likes to use a particular locker. I don't know my locker #, but it's one of the very first ones when you walk in. It really bugs me when someone else uses it.

Suz and Allan said...

I love the one that says there's no secret. Thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

Those are pretty great!