I am headed to Denver for the next few days. I will be back late Friday. UGH.... My vacation starts the minute the wheels hit the ground. YAY!!!!! I am there to attend a banking conference. I am one of the scheduled speakers. This is not something I usually do and don't particularly enjoy speaking to hoards of bankers but sometimes you do what is asked of you to keep th epeace at your job and with your customers so that is where I am headed today. Three days of small talk, handshaking and smiling. Whew. I feel the need for a nap already! :)
My workout did not go as planned yesterday, I got up too late for my regularly scheduled Yoga class and then miscalculated what time I actually needed to be at the gym to get to work on time which resulted in a 20 minute workout instead of an hour. (I guess it was too early to try and do math problems in my head that morning). Basically, the workout amounted to 10 minutes on the bike (about 5 miles) and 10 minutes on the stair climber. I am bringing my running gear to Denver. Normally, I wake up entirely too early since my body is set to east coast time so I am hoping this while hold true for this trip so I can get a run in while I am out of town.
Have a great week!
1 comment:
Have a safe trip, Karen. If it makes you feel any better, I have yet to work out at all this week due to work! :-( I hope you find time to run while traveling.
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