Thursday, December 23, 2010

It is beginning to look a lot like Iron...

Two days ago I embarked on a virtual 70.3 race, Iron Christmas. Two days ago, I was not thinking clearly. My planned runs for the week were easily 13.1 miles. In my mind, I just needed to squeeze in a 1.2 mile swim and a 56 mile bike ride. Child’s play (cough, cough). The swim was easy enough. As always, the bike comes back to bite me. Never underestimate the bike! Do you know how long it takes to ride 56 miles? I do now.

My plan became a series of 2-a-days that came to a screeching halt when on Tuesday evening, CR casually asked me what I had planned for Thursday night. “Oh, erm, nothing”, I replied knowing that trying to explain the importance of me completing a virtual race as opposed to whatever he had in mind for Thursday would go over about as well as my plan to start spelling my name with a Y. Turns out his store is having a Christmas/birthday party on Thursday night. The details are a little sketchy but I am told it involves BBQ, me bringing toffee, and everyone shooting bowling pins. (Not to worry, CR works at a gun range and apparently bowling pins make fun targets).

Given my newfound plans for Thursday, I have been hustling up time on the bike. 20 miles here, 10 miles there. I have logged 44 miles at this point and have 12 more to go along with a 6 mile run sometime between now and tomorrow night. Should be interesting! All in all a big thank you to Lucas for pushing us to get our booties off the candy cane train this week and keep moving. Did I mention there were time penalties for eating cake?

Well, I have some miles to log, BBQ to eat and bowling pins to shoot.... I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!


Lindsay said...

good luck squeezing in the bike miles! merry christmas!

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

I wanted to join this but I'm getting my bike after Christmas =(

ajh said...

Great job fitting it all in this busy week!

Amanda said...

Great job getting to it all...Yes, I do know what you mean about that many miles on a bike - it's rough time wise, but you're doing it.

You're almost there.

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad I found another 70.3-er. Hard to find those Triathlete types on Twitter these days.

Good luck in the Virtual race! I did a sprint swim and an Olympic run yesterday.

Kate Geisen said...

Oh, my gosh, I know exactly what you mean with trying to explain the importance of a virtual race to your husband. Mine was thoroughly not thrilled. Luckily, we didn't have any out of the house plans to mess with my "race".

Johann said...

Hope you had a great Christmas! I'm OK with swimming but the thanks. That's why I only run nowadays.