Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bits of Randomness...

The weather here has dropped about 5 degrees this week. Yes, a whole 5 degrees. I'll take it. Swimming in the morning has lamost been, dare I say, CHILLY. Even though it is now 90 instead of 95 it makes much better lunchtime napping weather. Yes, I nap in my car at lunch, is that weird? If so, don’t tell me. Funny, the main thing that has stuck with me thus far from reading The Triathlete’s Training Bible was something about napping. Go figure.

I had an EPIC training weekend this past weekend. It was the first weekend where the reality of 140.6 hit me in the face. I looked at the scheduled workout and wondered if it was even possible. Turns out it was possible, much to my delight (and surprise).

Saturday was a bike sandwich. A 10 mile run, 60 minute bike and 5 mile run. It was super hot because I got a late start. CR’s birthday was Saturday and he asked if I would make him pancakes (I am such a giver…) ;) So pancakes made, stop at Walgreens for a few things, pick up my CSA bag from my farmer and before you know it you are starting your run at 10:00.

Sunday was day two of EPIC weekend. An 80 mile bike ride followed up with a 4 mile run. The last 15 miles or so of the bike were a little rough. I am wondering if you ever get used to your neck sort of being in an awkward position for that long. When I got to the car to deposit the bike and start the run, I had my doubts about how well it would go. Oddly enough, in looking at my time, I negative split the run which almost never happens. I started off slower than usual but by the time I got to miles 3 and 4 I was at my normal pace. It didn’t seem faster as I was running (and really wasn’t paying attention to the time) so the pace surprised me when I downloaded it later from my garmin.

Lastly, my 16 year old niece started a one year journey as an exchange student this week. She normally lives in Alaska but will be spending the next year with a family in Turkey. Her original flight was to leave from JFK last Saturday but after Irene changed those plans she ended up leaving from Seattle and arrived in Turkey sometime yesterday. Should be an incredible experience for her!


Carolina John said...

Wow that is a nutso crazy weekend!

there's a 10% rule in Ironman training. Every bike ride should be followed with a run of 10% or more of the distance biked. So if your hour ride took you 20 miles, run 2.

I have a bike sandwich coming up this weekend. I'm not looking forward to it.

Jim ... 50after40 said...

Wow, that's exciting for your niece! I always thought it would be fun to be an exchange student. Naps are pretty core to my recovery each day, unfortunately I don't always get one. I try to doze off for about 20 minutes and I feel completely refreshed.

Katie said...

a bike sandwich! ha!

Lindsay said...

what an opportunity for your niece! too cool!!

90 is still too warm for a lunch time car nap for me. do you get to park in the shade at least?

Unknown said...

Wow... amazing training weekend Karen!

And I love hearing that your niece is an exchange student. Will change her life for the better! :)

ajh said...

You did some major training over the weekend. That is great. Thanks for the nice comments about Vermont and the hurricane.

Amanda said...

Congrats on the awesome weekend workouts! That's impressive.