(not my cake by the way)
This year, I thought it would be fun to celebrate by doing something a little different and host KDUB’s 70.3 Birthday Challenge. Who couldn't use a little challenge to kick off the new year?

The challenge is to complete 70.3 miles sometime between January 1 and January 11. To break it down, that would be:
SWIM 1.2 Miles (2100 yards)
BIKE 56 Miles
RUN 13.1 Miles
You can break up the mileage for each leg over the course of several days or complete it all at once. You can also complete the legs in any order you want just as long as it all adds up when January 11th rolls around.
Are there any rules?
The KDUB Birthday 70.3 Challenge starts when the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve and continues through midnight on January 11th. All results need to be in to me by midnight on January 11th. Distances can be completed on a trainer, on a treadmill, inside or outside. You can swim in an ocean, swimming pool or bathtub, it makes no difference to me as long as you have some way to keep up with the mileage and time. The point is to get out there and get it done.
If you have no access to a pool in the winter, join us anyhow and make it a duathlon. (*one tiny exception to the mileage tracking rule… if you are taking a spin class and have no way to track mileage in that class, we will assume a 60 minute spin class is 16 miles.)
What do I win, what do I win?
Two finishers will be randomly selected to receive a goody pack of assorted tri/running treats that have yet to be purchased by me. This race isn't about being speedy, it is about getting to the finish line no matter how long it takes you!
How do I join the KDUB Birthday 70.3 challenge?
You must be a follower and leave me a comment on this post. Secondly, drop me an email at kwhitlock (at) bellsouth (dot) net to let me know which distance you are doing and I will send you a spreadsheet to log your information. Bonus points for sharing the link to the challenge via facebook, twitter and/or your blog.
All participants must join the challenge by 12/31/11.
Hmmm...I think I'm going to do this. Right now I'm sore and asleep on my feet, but I don't have anything scheduled til February. I'm sure I'll be ready to move again by Jan 1.
LOVE it! Always felt the same because my bday is the week after Thanksgiving!
I don't see me biking in January but I like this idea. Have fun with it!
I hope you get a good turn out...With the Dopey Challenge just around the corner and me being gone Jan 4-10th I'm not sure I could get all this in, but I love the idea!!!!
I'm in! For me that's usually one practice with the RAM swim team, two or three stationary bike sessions and the long run I'll do every week anyway. Actually doing the bike will be the hardest part. I hate riding when it's cold outside.
ooh, I can totally do a 70.3 in the beginning of January! I'll shoot you an email! Thanks.
this sounds like so much fun! however i'm going to say that based on my current level of exercise ... i would be a DNF. i will spectate!
I'm totally in. Fun concept!
I am in. I did one like this last year as well and it was a ton of fun.
I'm in. It's a great idea and a good way to make sure I get back in the pool.
It's Theresa, count me in. I love the blog!!
What a great idea - I am in!!
I'll give it a go!! What a fun way to celebrate your b-day!!
You know I love! :)
Sounds like a great idea!
This is a great way to kickoff the new year! I am in!
What a fun idea. I'm in for the duathlon, will be emailing you right away. (Glad you are sending out a spreadsheet...)
I'm in - so long as logging bike rides and runs are okay indoors - winter is fast approaching around here!
i saw this challenge on the Tough Chic site. I would love to do this challenge. It would force me to get in the pool and start working towards a sprint tri. I will email you right now.
I'm in! I saw this on Facebook after Rene' posted it.
I need to mix things up a bit. I think this goal will be my motivator.
Oh my! This totally rocks! You can thank tonia for sending me over--I read about it on her FB or blog or something.... Anyhoo--I am in! I'm also a new follower! :)
And I LOOOVVVVEEE that cake!!! I want one!
I'd like to join the "Aqua-bike division"...
currently I'm on a hiatus from running (read that - my eye is twitching while I'm waiting to see my Ortho). If I get news that allows be to start running again before 1/11, I'll try to get my entry "changed" into the legal 70.3... btw, I saw this on Rene's FB feed.
I am so in for the Dualthon!! How fun this will be! Thank you for doing it :)
I'm totally IN!! My goal is to do my first TRI this year in August, so I better get my butt in the pool - sooner than later. Thanks for the push!
I'm in!
Awesome, awesome challenge. I'm a new follower - and I'm totally in!!
New follower and I am in! What a great way to motivate my husband and I to get training for triathlons!
I love this idea! I'll send you an email... looking forward to being pushed to get back in the pool!
I hope you had a great birthday, my son just turned 2 on the 11th and he already seems to want to run ;) hopefully he's as awesome as you are!!
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