1. Speaking of fives, BIG HIGH FIVEs to everyone who participated in KDUB's 70.3 Birthday Challenge. I will get together a post with winners either Monday or Tuesday (if not sooner). Thank you all for playing my little reindeer game :)
2. There is a new addition to the family. As of noon yesterday, I have a sweet new nephew. I was campaigning for us to share a birthday but it didn't work out that way. Once again, my psychic ability is just slightly off.
3. I applied to be on a tri team this season and got the "thanks but we had a lot of talented applicants" rejection e-mail a few days ago. It was such an awesome opportunity I had to go for it. Even though I knew it was quite the long shot it still was pretty disappointing not to be selected. On the bright side, it freed me up for a couple of cool volunteer opportunities so am looking forward to the new things on the calendar.
4. I joined Team Tough Chik a week or so ago. Within a few hours of joining I knew it was going to be a great fit. Such a supportive group of women!
5. I am headed a couple hours south very, very early in the morning to run the Museum of Aviation marathon. This will be marathon number 7 (if you count B2B). I wouldn't have guessed there had been that many but I just confirmed it on athlinks. WOW. I had a modified training schedule that started post-B2B so I think the unusual training plan makes me question my preparedness. Fingers crossed that it is all mental! :) The race is on an air force base and supposedly there are flyovers throughout the race so that should make it interesting!
Happy Friday the 13th...

Have a great race!!! Also, very cool about Team Tough Chick.
Congrats on the new nephew :)
Awesomeness to the Team Tough Chick, and hope your race goes very well. I noticed you are doing the NC Half marathon. Cool. I am doing the OBX marathon in November. Take care. Congratulations on the new Nephew!
That cartoon cracks me up.
Fun supportive women are awesome to hang out with. So glad you've found a group like that! Congratulations on your new nephew, and that tri team obviously has no clue what they're missing here.
aah, is it too late to send my spreadsheet? I totally forgot to send it in!
congrats on team tough chik!!! sounds fun!
The 70.3 challenge was so fun- thanks! Good luck on the race... my training has been very untraditional this time around, too... let's hope that changing it up is a good thing!
LOVE Tough Chik's stuff! Sounds awesome!
Congrats on the new nephew.
Good luck with the race - I'm sure you'll do amazing!
Good luck on your marathon and congrats on the new addition!
Congratulations on your nephew and good luck at your marathon!
I loved your challenge, thanks again for doing it!
Oooo, good luck on the marathon, and as always, remember to have fun :).
Congrats on your new nephew - always a special time!! Sorry you didn't get on the team, but you tried and that's what matters sometimes. Next time you'll get it!
Seven marathons! That's awesome. I've done two but not sure if I want to tackle anymore. Halfs seem like a better fit for me. Best of luck and congrats on the new family member.
My Running Shortz
Yeah for Tough Chiks!! I thoroughly enjoyed your 70.3 Birthday Challenge - thanks! Can't wait to read the recap from everyone.
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