Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mid-week update...

Not much to tell. I took Monday off to rest. Tuesday, I decided nothing sounded better than returning to my roots and going for a swim workout. Lately, I have pretty much just been swimming laps. This time, I pulled a new workout off of and did a 2,000 meter workout (backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke). The workout was mostly drills, pulling and kicking which makes the time pass quickly in the pool.

Today I got a short run in with my fledgling run club. It is pretty much just me an 2 others at this point and the 2 others don't stay the whole time. The one person I wanted to help start running has yet to show.... I guess I need to work on my skills in motivating others! Oh well, I needed to get a mid-week run in anyhow.

We had a major storm last night. The top of one of our larger trees was blown out by the wind, It just kind of twisted off and fell into the yard... taking out the birdhouse my aunt handpainted which was occupied by a family of birds. The house was smashed into several pieces and the largest part of the branch pummeled into the ground pretty hard (as anything would from 20 feet up) so I don't know if there were any bird survivors. It is kind of sad, I really enjoyed watching the birds fly in and out of their house.

Of other wildlife interest, my Dad thinks my "foxes" are actually coyotes. He is the expert so I will go with that opinion. I saw them out in the street one afternoon last week. I am told they eat small pets. So far, they have not found the bunnies that live in the yard as I saw one today. whew... Maybe I should warn them about Wile E. Coyote living in their midst.

For the weekend: The good news is that my weekend tennis commitments are over so I can actually do my long runs with the Get Fit group! I am very excited as we are into the 14 mile range now and it is difficult to keep running for 2+ hours unless you are really self-motivated. Somedays I am , somedays not so much. I do know that if I am with the group I will definitely keep running. The other upside to being done with tennis is that not only are Saturdays free but Sundays too so I can get some bike work in this Sunday! Stone Mountain, here I come! If you see anyone chugging around the mountain in what appears to be the wrong gear, that might just be me! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated B' Day Darlin!

Next time the cakes on me!

Intimate Outings of Love