Some pictures from today:
The shirt

Me and Dad pre-race. This was his 29th race, my 2nd. My first one was 10 years ago. His was in 1979. WOW. Not too bad for 72.

Dad and his walking buddy, Steve, pre-race.

My view from the start. Note the wall to wall people.

Shortly after the finish. Still wall to wall people.

The crowd outside the Mich Ultra party as I am trying to find my Dad.

Enjoying some of the party food.

And a good time was had by all....

As we were leaving the Michelob Ultra party after having our fill of burgers, BBQ and beer. There were still people crossing the finish line at 10:15 - close to 3 hours after the start. If you are in one of the time corrals in back, it is close to an hour after the gun goes off before you even cross the start line. Insane numbers of people.
Great job. It was tough this year. Between the humidity and the lasy .5 miles wasnt my day.
Thats so funny about you being right next to me in the Lifetime Fitness Tri. I will have to see if I have any good pictures I didnt post that I can send you
Actually if you are in one of the corrals in the back (i.e. timing group 9, the last) it was well over an hour before starting. That's where we were and we didn't cross the start line until right after 9am this morning! Or over an hour after the winners finished!
Kevin, you must be a fairly fast swimmer, I remember whoever was to my right was doing pretty well. When I saw the bike picture, I figured out that was you because I remembered the girl in the bandana next to me. I barely made it to the start of the bike. Very cool.
Good Lord girl. That is a looooong wait to start! Do a qualifying run next year, no matter what your time is for the qualifier, you will be put in group 2.
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