Are any of y'all going to see this Thursday night? It is one of those one night only movies and I was lucky enough to win two tickets through a blog giveaway on 26.2 Quest . I can't wait to plant myself in the movie theatre to see it!
The movie is the story of Terry Hitchcock, who, after losing his wife to breast cancer and struggling to raise three young children on his own, set out to accomplish the impossible. He wanted to run 75 consecutive marathons in 75 consecutive days to bring attention to the incredibly difficult lives of single-parent families. He ran from St. Paul, MN to Atlanta, GA. He ran every day despite the weather despite the pain. He just kept running until he broke the finish line tape in Atlanta.
It is a story of gut wrenching endurance and faith that you can accomplish those things which seem impossible. If the movie is playing in your area and you aren't doing anything around 7:00 on Thursday night, it sounds like a "must see" to me. You might want to bring tissues....
"I firmly believe human beings can accomplish anything they put their minds to that nothing is impossible."
- Terry Hitchcock
I'm going! I've been fortunate to see Running America, Hood to Coast, and now this one in the theater. Such a cool experience to be in a theater full of runners!
I have to be completely honest...I read his book and was completely turned off. I felt there were a lot of inconsistencies to his purpose and I often wondered what his true motive was.
I will not be seeing the movie but I would be interested in seeing what Hollywood does to his story.
I will say running from Minnesota to Georgia is still impressive.
Have not heard about him of his story, but I'll check it out. Thanks!
I wish, wish, wish this was showing on a Friday night so I could go see it, but maybe I will catch it when it comes out on DVD!
I'll be curious to hear what you think about the movie.
Really Gr8 ! Thanks For sharing..
oooh sounds interesting!
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