It is a year round sport here. No, we don't play indoors. We play outside. There are rules for the temperature. If it falls below 32 or above 95, you can reschedule the match but we usually just play it as scheduled. A few weeks back, we had to shovel ice and snow off the courts to play our matches. We are hardcore that way.

At any given time, I am on as many as three tennis teams as well as two singles leagues. You can see where throwing in a marathon or a triathlon can become a training and scheduling nightmare. I have run half marathons in the morning and played tennis in the afternoon. You make sacrifices to do the things you love I suppose. ALTA Mixed Doubles and USTA Ladies ended last week so we have a two week break before ALTA Ladies and USTA Mixed Doubles starts in mid-March.
As any self respecting player would, I spent my first tennis-free weekend playing tennis. Not really part of the plan as I had a 20-miler to work in but I just can't say no to free lessons. So glad I did as I got a lot out of the lessons on both Saturday and Sunday! That runner's high is a vicious thing. I made a quick pit stop after my 20 miler Sunday morning to take a shower and headed straight to a 90 minute group lesson. I am AMAZED at how good my legs felt. So strange but the weather was too good to not take advantage!
It is quickly becoming spring around here. Temperatures were close to 80 all weekend, the trees and flowers are blooming and my toenail that I lost after Chickamauga is coming back. Guess that groundhog was right :)
I see the ALTA bumper stickers everywhere, but I had no idea tennis what that BIG here.
A 20 miler, then tennis? Wow, that's a busy weekend!
So jealous of your weather. I wish I could play tennis outdoors. Our USTA season starts in March but we don't go outdoors tilJ une.
Tennis on icy courts? Even if you clear them, they must be slippery. You are hardcore, for sure.
Spring is here, in CA too, though we are not in the 80s. We had a small heat wave some time ago but that's history now.
I worked in ATL for a year and TOTALLY realized that there were tons of tennis courts there. No way I could do a 20 miler and THEN play tennis. no way.
WOW, that is cool you are a big tennis-er ;). My boys like to play a lot and I just am aweful but it is a really great workout so I play with them sometimes.
Ditto on spring almost here - so ready!!!
That's a lot of training to fit in. I am impressed you can knock out a 20 miler and then do 90 minutes of tennis - I'd be dead!
Good stuff, wish we had the weather! -
I have tried a few times to pick up tennis... I'm not very good :(
YAY tennis.
LOve tennis. I suck at it but I love it.
LOVE tennis. and hello you rock! I can't imagine playing after a 20miler
Wow, you really ARE committed to tennis! Brr! :o)
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