W: Are you doing a 70.3 this year?
Me: I would but I am on budget restriction. (An adult’s version of time out)
W: I need someone to train with, what if I paid your fee?
Me: (is she crazy???) I really can’t let you do that but I will train with you.
…and that is how I found myself perched on a stool in my friend’s house hours after my marathon logging into active.com and registering for the 70.3 Augusta in September. As much as I would have LOVED a paid entry into the race, it would not have felt right so we agreed that she would pay the fees up front and I would pay her back in August when I am off of restriction (hopefully sooner).

It actually works out perfectly as the training doesn’t really need to start until May so I still get a little break from an official plan for almost 2 months. In the meantime, I am going to wipe the dust off my bike, keep going to Masters practice at Lifetime and get my speed ramped up for the Peachtree. Well, either that or sit on the couch and catch up on TiVo. (kidding…)
Awesome!! It's a great course. You'll have a blast. (Make your hotel reservations now and stay at the host hotel if budget allows. Or there's an amazing B&B called Queen Anne Inn that one of my teammates stayed at -- she raved about how great it was (Very small, make reservations now, for sure!)
Yay for you!
Thanks, Lauren! I will have to re-read your blog for all the tips :) Kind of nervous about it but it still too far away to obsess over yet. Really excited to mark it off the list!
You are such a good friend. Don't forget to pay-it-forward and sign someone else up for the race ;)
Soooo exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it as you train. Yea for crazy friends. :)
Budgetary restrictions are no fun. Story of my life. Lol
YAY FOR YOU!!!!! I can't wait for April to get here for my 70.3
Oh, some people can't just enjoy their well earned rest, can they. ;-)
Good for you! And your friend rocks!
Oh wow!! That sounds like a blast, you are going to do great. Trust in your training (do the training!) And remember to have FUN. It is a ways off, but I remember I was nervous before my 70.3 for months before! :)
That is awesome...I knew you couldn't turn down an offer for another challenging race and to do it with a training partner will be awesome!
Good luck and enjoy that break :)!
That's pretty cool! I look forward to following your training progress!
Great Marathon and WAY TO GO for signing up for the Augusta HIM before the sweat has even dried. LOVE IT!
I love "An Adult Timeout." So true. Have fun & good luck training (and saving$$!)
This is really great! You are much braver than me.
Those races can be pricey. Your friend got a good deal out of it though - pay up front AND get a training partner! Exciting for both of you!
oh my gosh that is so neat!! i'm not sure anyone get could me to sign up for something right after a marathon :)
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