After spin class off to work for what seemed like the longest day in history. By the time 9:30 rolled around, I felt like I had been there all day.
I somehow made it to the lunch hour and went with my friend, Theresa, to Gangland Mall. (AKA Gwinnett Place). It is named such because there are reports of a lot of gang activity in the area. The closest thing we saw to a gang was a group of teenagers crossing the street in khakis and white polo shirts. One of them did have his pants riding rather low and I think another might have flashed us a gang sign....or something like it. Tru gangstas to be sure.
We always get the Lancome summer gift with purchase bag so we went over to Macys to check it out. Here is a picture of Theresa with the new bag. She thinks she is French. I try to tell her that just because you use Lancome doesn't make you of French ancestry but she won't listen. It does make her easy to buy for as anything with a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it is the best gift ever as it depicts her homeland (not). If we ever win the lottery we have agreed to go visit.

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